Cyberbullying (Is it really becoming a big problem? Or is it already big?)

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1 year ago

Wassup my chingus another day another article and for today’s article it’s about cyberbullying. I was inspired to write this topic because of the incident that happen recently in our classroom. Before diving in to detail let me welcome you first, welcome or welcome back to my page whether it is your first time reading my articles or you’re a returning subscriber of mine thank you for stopping by. Welcoming is done now let’s start the ramble lol lets dig deeper in this issue.

What really is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying others using the modern technology. In this advance world where technology is used everywhere a type of bullying arose in which we called cyberbullying. An example of cyberbullying are sending threats or threatening, spreading bad messages, video or pictures in social media, bashing or commenting bad opinions onto another people’s picture or video, hacking someone’s account without their consent and etc. This are just some of the examples of cyberbullying that may cause embarrassment, being scared, and the victims piece of mind completely ruined.

Now that we know the definition I’ll go ahead and tell my story about it. It started when my classmate CK (let’s call him that) send a strangers picture in our group chat (let’s name the stranger Ryan) and his friend Nat talked about his body and how he has “double chin” while his other friends just react HAHA on the picture. When our vice president saw it she tried to stop them, to stop body shaming fortunately they stop and said sorry they also unsent the picture. It got quiet on the group chat (GC) but it came back because apparently someone told Ryan how he got body shame in our GC and that his angry. His also planning on taking this matter in the guidance office and that could give them a bad record because bullying is the case unless Ryan wants to settle it and just ask for their sincere apology.

With that the boys got rilled up knowing there is a spy in our GC and he or she immediately reported it to Ryan. Mich to the rescue he protected his friends saying it’s not body shaming coz their just stating the facts, well obviously Ryan is not that handsome but everyone has flaws so why state the obvious. Still Mich argued on why is it bullying, his really a pain in the ass not just in this situation but all the time always enforcing his wrong understanding to us even though clearly as the day that it is bullying.

Then Mich started pointing fingers on who leaked the messages in our group chat. Everyone is so mad and trying to stop Mich from suspecting everyone because it is not helping the situation, his also very stubborn and keeps on chatting pointing fingers on Gian  (our classmate that rarely even open his messenger). When it got quiet again I thought it was done but it was just Mich planning his revenge if I supposed because he started to dig deeper on to our group chats messages screenshot everything that can shift the blame onto them “as a proof” that his friends are not the only one that bully Ryan but also Gian and Jian in short blaming others and dragging them into their mess.

Fortunately our advisor took matters in her hands and conduct a meeting with the bullies, the victim, the victim’s teacher and the head of the faculty. This meeting was not the guidance office type of talk yet, it was like a talk before going to the guidance kind of like a warm up if I would say. Our teacher decided to let the officers join so I obviously need to go because I’m also the mayor we have two sets of officers because our section was split into two but now that we merged we still have two mayors two vice mayors and PIO’s. She purposely wants us to be present to let us know what to do next time when this happens again but I hope it will not happen again.

I will not go in detail how the talk happens but it was chaos and messy for sure but we said what has to be said, cleared all the misunderstanding which in fact there is. When Nat said that Ryan has double chin he meant the chin like of people in Hollywood movies or Americans, to be exact the part where there chin is like divided in the center, that is what he meant with double chin. Not the double chin that we know, he didn’t meant to mean the double chin as in the excess fat in the bottom of your chin that folds when you tilt it down. It was all a misunderstanding so that was resolved and they say sorry we end the talk with light hearted and warm hugs for each other. After the talk the room is not the same we distant our self with the boys, well not all of them because not all boys are involved but Mich particularly, we avoided his presence and only talk to him when it’s needed. Even our teacher suggested to just ignore Mich she must have sense that Mich is the problem so we do it to avoid fighting and those situations again. It might sound harsh ignoring our classmate but it is for the best and don’t worry Mich still has friends, the boys that got into the issue is still his friends so his not lonely.

I hope this article entertain you but at the same educate you. I don’t know if it is educative enough but I did my best on making it as informational as possible I even included an actual experience (this incident happened between my classmates and from another section. I hope you enjoy reading this article until next time my chingus byeee byeee sending you my warm online hug XOXO.


Bullying is very dangerous it can cause harm and can eventually lead to death so let’s stop bullying if we see one. With our help we can make another person’s life better by offering a hand we can stop them causing harm onto themselves. Check on your friends or family members condition from time to time ask them if there ok? Or is there day great? Just a simple hello what are you doing and talking to them can make a great impact for those suffering from bullying, that can let their minds rest for a while, rest from the constantly intrusive thoughts or the pain in their heart. Let’s stop bullying and let’s all be a good person.

as always,






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Avatar for navel2005
1 year ago


You have to take care of yourself, we don't know who is behind a screen. Thanks for telling us your story.

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1 year ago

yes true, unfortunately I don't like to mingle with there affairs I just listen what they says.

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1 year ago

Cyber bullying is getting worst. I don't know what kind of people are behind those harious act. Victims of cyber bullying are suffering from depression amd serious mental illness.

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1 year ago

true, but in my opinion about what happen with one of my classmates is just a huge misunderstanding and then there is someone trying to ignite the fire to make it complicated

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1 year ago