What is read.cash? read.cash is a website, where you get paid for posting new articles. It is free to use and does not require special writing skills. read.cash is a blogging platform where you can publish content - such as titles, photos, and videos - on any topic and win Bitcoin Cash (BCH). How does this work? Getting started and making money with read.cash is easy. Just create a free account, start publishing original and quality content, and start earning. Here's how the platform works. Anyone can create a free account and become a member of the read.cash community. When you write and publish articles, other forum members will see your post and if they like it, give you some BCH in their fund balances. These tips are automatically added to your BCH online wallet associated with your read.cash account, in real time. Apart from the advice of other members, there are a number of other ways to get paid by publishing at read.cash Most of these come from a scholarship. This bag was created to help publishers get the most out of their work as you may not be able to rely solely on regular users who pull out their wallets. Authors who publish authentic, quality content are given a BCH tip on this fund by The Random Rewarder. As you can see, right now all of my tips come from this The Random Rewarder bot. Without it, I doubt I would have found anything with my first few articles. In addition, you can get more BCH with the support of other users who enjoy your work and want to support you with a set monthly fee. You will probably be promptly sponsored if you publish original and quality content that adds value to readers. When someone sponsors you, their logo or picture will appear under all of your posts that are explicitly intended to make them visible and public. So when you write good content that gets a lot of views, you are attracted to sponsors who want to get more exposure. This is a win-win situation that benefits you, the sponsor, and other members of the read.cash.

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@naveed382 posted 2 years ago
