Finally, Got My Booster Shot

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2 years ago

I received my last second dose of vaccine last October 15, my vaccine was Sinovac. As they say, the main requirement to have a booster shot is you need atleast 2 months gap from your last vaccine. I do not know if it is 2 months or three months because as far as I know, the first announcement was the requirement is three months and they change it to two months.

Last January 2nd week, the city where I am working announce that there is a schedule wherein the city will conduct a booster shot, one of our workmate has connection that is why we have an update with the procedures to be done. Me and some of my workmates made a deal to have our booster shot and we're excited about it.

Our schedule is in the afternoon but after lunch break, I figured it out that I already have limited time to finish my work and sadly that day was my deadline, that is why I chose not to push through with my booster shot. What is funny about it was, it was not only me who decline but almost all of us, out of maybe 8 persons, only two chose to push through with their vaccination.

Though my reason is excused, my workmates reason is somewhat funny because they told me that they felt nervous and felt afraid that's why they have to decline. If only I do not have decline that day, I am pretty sure that I made it. If only one of my workmate is not on 2 months on leave that time (because all her works was given to me, imagine that the work of two persons is only being done with one that time. )

Those persons who decline made a deal that when there is a schedule soon, that will be the time that we will go.

Then, there comes the month of February. That was morning when someone told me that they are having their booster at around 8:00 in the morning, and I knew it maybe around 7:30 in the morning. I was shock because I didn't knew it. This day, I also have a lot of things to do, and leaving the office for even just an hour is not okay with since I have lots of work to be done again.

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Then, there comes March, and by this time, it seems that people are now no longer bothered with Covid19 and it seems like we are now in a normal situation and I just thought that there will be no longer booster project in town. I also told myself that it is already okay with me that I will not receive my booster shot, knowing that a lot of people are afraid to have it.

All I know is that, there will be no booster shot anymore but then, last Friday, March 18 2022, someone told us that some represantive of DOH will go in our company to conduct booster vaccination. The process was to canvass on how many people are willing to be vaccinated, and if there are many, then DOH will come but if only a few, then they won't. They also asked if what brand of vaccine do we want, we have our choice and I chose Pfizer for my booster.

At first, no one likes it. And since no one likes it, I am not that strong enough to have my booster if I do not have any companion, not until one of us was courageous enought to say that she like to have it. And there comes the domino effect, I guess there were a total of 15-20 people received there booster shot.

After the vaccine, I did not felt anything wrong, what I started to feel was only my arm that is starting to become stiff. I know ot was just normal and nothing to be bothered on. But then, there comes during 4:20 am, March 19, I woke up and my my head is aching that much and I felt like I am starting to have my fever. I went back to sleep since it was still early and as I woke up as 6:00 am, I am no longer having a fever but I can feel that my body feels weak and I know that I do not have the energy to take a bath since I have an overtime work last Saturday but then since I feel weak, I decided to take a rest and do not go to work that day.

I ate breakfast at around 7:30 and I took a sleep again after. I woke up at around 11:00 am and there, here I am again, I have fever again. I continue to sleep again and woke up at 12:30pm. I decided to go home to have a rest even though I am not feeling well ( I am renting a boarding house since our house is an hour away drive to where I am working) I did not eat rice in my breakfast since I only ate pancake that time and I have no energy to eat my lunch since I am not feeling well and I didn't have the chance to drink my medicine.

Aftet dinner, I took my medicine, and slept early last night. Then when I wake up a while ago in the morning, finally, I am feeling good now but looking so haggard since I did not took a bath yesterday and I am not allowed to take a bath also for this day, because I might get my fever back and I still need to rest.

As they say, it is only normal to have fever after receiving your booster shot since it is a proof that the vaccine is effective because it has reactions with my body.

For those who are done with their booster shot, congrats to all of us, and it is also for our health. Health is really wealth.

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2 years ago
