My blogs about this week

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1 year ago
Topics: Happy, Dreams, Happiness, Justwrite, Learn, ...

Greetings to all, hope everyone is doing healthy and fine ...


This week was totally hectic for me ...

About Monday

On Monday you know the first day of the week and the three days before Monday was my cousin's wedding from Friday to Sunday...

So, I had to went to college with a fatigued body ...

And on Monday we had continuous lectures from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

After college, I have to tutor students as a part-time job... So I can lift my little bit of expense ...

In the evening I got my practical date sheet which were starting on 3-11-22. It was a shock that we have only two days of physical lectures...

ON Tuesday

I did nothing much on Tuesday just attend the university and did a part-time job...

I also wrote an article on Tuesday.

The article was about my experience with my friends after the first fight.

On Wednesday

On Wednesday I attend college On Wednesday I went to college and I just come back to tutor the students and check the papers and nothing much....

After 7 pm I start to prepare my pathology, Vivas...


Thursday came and I went to college on entering the college I got to know that the timing Vivas is from 12 pm to convert into 8 am...

Anyways we gave a written examination.....

After 12 examiners start the taking Vivas of the senior semester and then our semester...

After waiting for a long time...

Our class viva starts at 6 pm...


On Friday the exam start at exactly 8 am surprisingly...

And we finished our Vivas early on Friday...

But our college was asking for more and more dues...

Ah, I was getting headaches and depression...

I just want to earn more and more so that I can do everything I need... And I can spend on my tuition without asking my parents...

On Friday we received notification that we don't have any Saturday off and our viva, if 8 Nov will be held on Saturday the biggest shock in our life, is to study without getting any sleep.


After getting surprised by the SCP viva I prepared for it and then give the practical viva of it. Our examiner did not take the written examination for SCP he just takes viva and checks our performance and hand on a zone on the patient.

Finally i was relaxed that i have a sunday for relaxation but we got notification that we have to come on sunday for extar class for the preparation of Monday viva

What could be the best way to describe how i was feeling at that time.

It was frustrating.

The above imiges are all mine

Thank you for reading

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Avatar for mva6121
1 year ago
Topics: Happy, Dreams, Happiness, Justwrite, Learn, ...


You were busy at the whole time my friend, everyday. I relate with you when I was still a student but don't worry you can make it my friend. Fighting always.

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1 year ago