Woke up Early

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Avatar for mstripsy
1 year ago

Chapter 1 | Page 5 of 365

Hi! I am @mstripsy and welcome to my story! Are you ready to take on an adventure with me? If so, then, Let's Go!

Today marks the 5th day of the year 2023 and I woke up early at 5:00 AM when the world is still asleep so, before anything else let's take a short recap. Before the year ends in 2022, I had some reflections on myself, what have I achieved this year? I asked myself, aside from being a good and active student servant leader at school, projects, and everything. What else? for myself? In my own point of view, none major so far. The problem? I lack consistency and I'm aware of that, but still keep on doing and not doing things for myself, when I should be.

Morning View from my boarding house. (Photo Mine)

Before 2022 ended, I made a Goal-lists for 2023 for a better me, and one of the major parts of that is to break my cycle of inconsistency. Cause truthfully speaking, we can never expect a better version of ourselves if we don't break our negative traits and practices that hinder us from unveiling the best versions of ourselves, that we want ourselves to attain and reach. In my 22 years of existence, so far and so on, that I could ever remember, honestly this is just my 2nd time making a list of goals. New life, new me? No, Same life, still me, just getting better, I guess. haha. But really, I want to be better, I want to have something that I could say to and for myself when this year ends, like, 'I made it!'. I have so many accomplishments for many, I mean, I can accomplish great things for others, of course, those accomplishments are also for me, but why is it that I can hardly do it when it comes to myself? I also want something for myself, aside from, the credits from others, connections, and power. Accomplishments and doing things for you are also something. That's one of my major goals this year. But of course, I would still continue to excel and serve others even better.

Found this inserted in one of the pages of the book I was reading from last year here at my boarding house, 'twas one of the DIY bookmarks I bought from one of the many booths during our University intramurals last 2022. The message was written by me😅 (Photo Mine)

Maybe some of you are wondering, why the 5th day? When I should have started writing on the 1st? The truth is, I have written my 1st to 4th day but wasn't able to post it for 5 days since December 31, 2022. I forgot my read.cash password, silly me. I just found the note where I've written it here in my boarding last night after 2 days of searching for it since I get back from the Christmas Holiday at home. So here I am! I know I wasn't able to start it, the way it should be as it was written in my goal list, but I don't think it isn't too late to start, so yeah.

Have a full-round blast of blessings this year my fellow friends here in read.cash

Have a great day! God bless everyone! For more adventures with me!

$ 0.02
$ 0.01 from @Telesfor
$ 0.01 from @renren16
Avatar for mstripsy
1 year ago


Ohh! So sorry about the password. Well, what matters now is that you were able to retrieve it and successfully made your post.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you! yes, you're right. It was such a relief. The lesson was that I'm not gonna log out of my account again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago