The author of "Basalatus Salek Li-Akrabul Masalek Fi Mazhabil Imam Malik" said that jihad is obligatory every year for the victory of Islam. While some are engaged in rock jihad, the rest are free from responsibility. If the Imam gives the order or the Muslim settlement is attacked by the enemy, then jihad, like prayer and fasting, will be obligatory on all Muslims in the area. If the people of that area are not enough to deal with the enemy, then jihad will be obligatory for the neighboring Muslims. In this situation, jihad is obligatory on women and slaves, even though the husband and the Lord do not have permission. Jihad is also obligatory for the debtors. Parents cannot forbid their children from obeying the law, but they can forbid them from performing the obligatory kefayar. We have to make arrangements to get rid of it.

Three: Imam Nawabi, a supporter of the Shafi'i school, said, “Jihad was obligatory in the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). According to some, there were obligatory laws. According to him, it is obligatory for the disbelievers to wage jihad against them in their own territory. But if they enter Muslim areas for the purpose of attack, they must be removed by any means. That is why jihad will be obligatory for all. " - (Matnul Minhaj)

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@mrasel85 posted 2 years ago
