Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He who dies while he has not done jihad or has no thought, determination or desire for jihad in his mind, but dies like a hypocrite.

  • (Muslim and Abu Dawood)

There are many more such hadiths which contain detailed instructions and rules related to naval warfare, land warfare, warfare against the people of the Book, etc. The number of these hadiths is so great that a great book is not enough for us to discuss it. Similarly, there is a lot of information about this category in the books “Al Mashareul Ashwaq Ila Mashareul Ushaq” and “Machirul Karam Ila Daril Islam” and Siddiq Hasan Khan’s “Al Ibratu Fima Arada Anillah O Rasoolihi Phil Gizwa Al Jihad Al Hijrate”. There are many such valuable hadiths in the jihad chapter of the hadith book. Jihad in the eyes of Muslim jurists

In the verses on the virtues of jihad from the Holy Qur'an and Hadith Sharif, the Nawabi is presented for your information in Karima and Hadith. Now we are presenting some statements of Muslim jurists about this. At the same time, we are referring to the views of modern scholars, so that all concerned can understand the importance of jihad and be aware of the indifference of the current Muslim society in this regard.

One: The author of "Majmaul Anhar fi Sarhi Multakizul Abhar" said in the context of discussion from the Hanafi point of view, "The literal meaning of jihad is to use all the power of one's mouth and actions. But in Shariah terms, jihad means suppressing the enemies of religion, eliminating them and continuing to strive hard to strengthen the foundations of the religion. This jihad must be waged against the opposition, against the polytheists and even against the apostates. It is obligatory to fight the rebels. When the call for jihad comes, it becomes obligatory on everyone, even though many are not ready for it. If everyone gives up jihad, not everyone is ready. If everyone gives up jihad, then everyone will be sinful. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that if a Muslim city or Muslim settlement is occupied by non-Muslims, then jihad will be obligatory for everyone. In this case, even if the husband, parents, lord or creditor does not give permission, their wives, children, slaves and indebted people have to join the jihad respectively. Wives, children, slaves and indebted people must join the jihad. No permission or consent is required for this.

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@mrasel85 posted 2 years ago
