
According to the 1970 census, the population of Jerusalem is 392,000. From 1967 to 1970, 56% of the population grew in the Jewish community who came to Jerusalem from different countries. Jewish settlements have sprung up in various parts of the city of Jerusalem, and Jews from various European countries, including Yemen, Ethiopia, and the Soviet Union, are being resettled there. The Israeli government is evicting Muslims from occupied Palestine and rehabilitating Jews. In order to increase the number of Jews and to make it possible to Jewishize the city by changing the Arab and Islamic features. The Israeli government conducted a census on July 25, following the June 1967 war and the seizure of Jerusalem from Jordanian rule, and instructed Arab Muslims present to accept Israeli identity cards. It rehabilitated 120,000 Palestinians who had fled the war, revoked their citizenship, and rehabilitated Jews there. At the present time (1991 AD), the Jewish population has greatly increased as a result of resettlement. Today, the number of Jews in Jerusalem is 4 million. In 1992, the population of Jerusalem was 5 lakh 55 thousand. Of these, 140,000 are living in East Jerusalem. On the other hand, the number of Muslims is 1 lakh 55 thousand. Construction of 55,000 residential units was completed in 1993. This will increase the number of Jews more than Muslims.

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@mrasel85 posted 2 years ago
