Geographical location

Jerusalem is located 34 degrees north latitude and 31.52 degrees north longitude. The city is a hilly area. It is surrounded by mountains. Notable hills are:

  1. Moria Hills: Sakhra Mosque and Aksa Mosque are located on this hill.

  2. Olive Mountain: Its other name is Tur Mountain. It is located 628 meters above sea level, east of the city. The rocks of this mountain are visible when you stand by the walls of Haram Quds. Between the Haram Sharif and the mountains is the Qadrun valley. Talmu de This hill is referred to as Maseh 'or' Taiz 'hill. Talmud de further states that the Jews burned a red cow on this mountain and collected its ashes for the purpose of gaining nearness to God and scattered it in the Sulaymani during the Haikale. However, Qur'anic commentators say that the cow was not red but dark yellow. A notable feature of the Mount of Olives is that, according to the Christians, Yasu was praying near the garden of Muasrah or Jatsamani and was preparing to meet Allah. There is a hole in the mountain where Jesus stood and taught, met his disciples and wept for Jerusalem.

  3. Sahiun Hill: Another name for this hill is Dawood Nabi's hill. It is located 60 meters above sea level.

  4. Mount Accra: On this hill is the Christian church of Qiyamah.

  5. Jaita Hill: This is a hill near Bab-as-Sahera.

. Gaul Mountains: It is located north of the city of Jerusalem and 639 meters above sea level. In ancient times the city of Habraah of the Canaanites was founded on this hill.

. Hill of the Prophet Samuel: It is located on the northwest side of the city. Its height from sea level is 65 meters.

There are also many more hills around the city. The city is located 635 meters above sea level. Due to its hilly terrain it is not a major commercial area and there are no rivers in the middle of the city. On the other hand, there is not much opportunity for urban expansion due to natural causes.

The city of Jerusalem is naturally divided into two parts. Old Jerusalem and New Jerusalem. In 1947, the total area of ​​New and Old Jerusalem was 41 sq km. After the expansion of the city, the current area is 110 sq km. The Old City of Jerusalem is surrounded on four sides by walls. The length of the walls is 4 kilometers and the height is 12 meters. There are a total of 6 gates on the wall. People from different directions enter it through these gates. The famous gates are Babul Amud in the north, Babul Maghriba in the south, Sunstefan in the east and Babul Khalil in the west. The 7th gate called Babuzjahabi on the east side is closed. In 1536, the Ottoman Sultan Sulaiman built the walls for 5 years.

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@mrasel85 posted 2 years ago
