Of all the meals, breakfast is the most important. As a result, nutrients should be stored in the morning. However, in most cases, somehow a quick breakfast is made and eaten in a hurry. Banana is a fruit that is almost inevitable in the morning. Banana reduces constipation, heartburn and ulcers and cools the body. Bananas also contain high amounts of iron which increases hemoglobin production and helps in curing anemia. However, there is a lot of argument about eating bananas on an empty stomach.

“Bananas are a source of potassium, fiber and magnesium which meet the various nutritional needs of your body. It increases energy and reduces hunger. Bananas must be eaten every day, ”said nutritionist Dr Shilpa Aurora. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a proper quality banana has only 69 calories. It contains manganese, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6 and the water content of bananas is also high so bananas help you to stay hydrated.

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@moyez786 posted 3 years ago
