Visiting theater again

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2 years ago

Hello guys, hope you are all doing well. I wanted to write about another play that I saw. This one was in theater in the Belgrade, and it's my favorite theater, and also the play was on my favorite scene. The theater is called "Atelje 212", which means studio/atelier 212. This scene is the small scene out of two scenes in the theater, and it's name "Petar Kralj" after the famous actor, that passed away. I was actually in that theater for the first time, watching a play that he was starting at. The play I saw this time is called "Regime of love".

Statue in front of the theater

The scene is quite small, and I know some people don't like it, and don't like to be so close to the scene, but I love it. I feel like I am part of it and enjoy it much more this way. Scene is different for different plays and chairs can be arranged differently, so I am impressed with how much they can do with such small place.

This time, the first two rows of the chairs were on the sides of the scene. I was in the fourth row, but because the first two rows were moved, I was actually in the second row to the scene. Also, the scene on it own was fascinating. It represented the "love rug", which means man's chest. Do they use this expression in your country as well? It's a funny one. It represented the chest of the main character, fatal man and playboy, Misa. I will add a photo, so you can see how it looked.

The play was about love, affairs, loneliness, relationships, sexuality, marriage,... And it was represented in a very interesting, modern, way. The play is age limited, and it's for older than 14, but I wouldn't say it's that explicit, rather that it just cover subject that are more interesting to older audience. It covers all almost all types of relationships in modern world, represented in comical way. It was very funny at some moments, and I enjoyed in overall.

I like plays with only a few actors, but this time there was a total of 5 people. Three actresses and two actors. It was supposed to be one actor that I previously watched, and I like how he acts, but he didn't play. However, his substitution was very fitting to the role, in my opinion.  All of them were  good, and I am not even sure I can choose who was the best. At times, they even sit next to the audience while taking their story. Plays on the small scene usually don't have much action, and usually not too many actors, because they don't have much space and change of scene. This time it was all happening at the same place, nothing changed. But I love to see how they adapt dramatic text to the scene, with not too many tools.

I already have few other plays that I want to see in this theater but I can't see any other this month. I hope to see one in may, but I will have to wait to see monthly repertoire to know if dates are good for me.

All photos I used in this article are original and taken by me.

Thanks for reading my post ^^

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2 years ago
