I haven't been in a good mood all day. I didn't sleep well last night, I have a cold. My head hurts due to the change of weather.
Cook, clean, set breakfast, lunch, wash dishes, vacuum.
Constant obligations for the hostess.
I think all day, what's on Facebook.
I enter that birthday card.
I thought to myself, whether it's an old post or Sneza wanted to brag about a Japanese rose.
Congratulations soon arrived from Mateja arrived, then I just smiled.
I was surprised, I realized that they were thinking of me, even if it was another Branka's birthday.
While my heart was warm, the phone rang. A friend called me and said, why don't you say it's your birthday, happy birthday.
I think I still deserved gifts for this famous birthday, which were already congratulated by Sneza and Mateja. Let's all buy $ 2 or more, to buy a car, so I can go and visit these two wonderful friends.
Ceo dan nesto nisam raspolozena.Nocas sam slabo spavala,prehladjena sam.Boli me glava zbog promenu vremena.Stalno oko starijeg sina,ispitujem,rade se domaci zadaci.
Kuvaj,cisti,postavljaj dorucak,rucak,peri sudove,usisavaj.
Stalno obaveze za domacicu.
Mislim se celog dana,sta li ima na fejsbuku.
Udjem ono cestitka za rodjendan.
Pomislih u sebi,ma to su stara objava ili je Sneza htela da se pohvali sa japanskom ruzom.
Ubrzo je stigla cestitka od Mateja ,onda sam se tek nasmesila.Iznenadila sam se,shvatila da one misle na mene,i ako je drugoj Branki bio rodjendan.
Dok mi oko srca bilo toplo,zvoni telefon.Prijateljica me zove i kaze,sto ne kazes da ti je rodjendan,sreeeecan rodjendaaaaan.
Mislim da sam ipak zasluzila poklone za ovaj famozni rodjendan,koje su mi vec cestitale Sneza @Snezana28 i Mateja @Teji .Hajmo svi po 2 dolara moze i vise,da kupim sebi neki auto,kako bih mogla ici i posetiti ove dve divne prijateljice.
Hahaha nice one! You deserve more happiness. Happy birthday and wishing u many more birthdays