"But he was too much like her. Operated by every emotion, he was afraid of the feelings that were drawing him to her. They needed each other, in some inexplicable way, not being able to do without each other. But they couldn't be together, either. "

“What can I tell you about my former loves? Yes only one was special? Would that mean anything to you? When you and I are the same… We both have someone we don't have anymore. "

"And I didn't want this. I didn't choose you, nor us. You made me do this. In fact, I didn't really complain. But I curse myself for letting you become so important to me…"

"We often sit sadly and I wait for your return. You're gone, you're taking a cheap lipstick off the lips of one of your rapturous girls. They are probably similar to me, at least in the naivety that cost me so dearly. Unfortunately, when it comes to you, we were all just beads skillfully strung on the chain of your lusts. ”

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@milos89 posted 3 years ago
