Successful learning - Listen more, talk less

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4 years ago

Man learns while he is alive, we all know that. Learning is not just when we go to school, we study. Learning is every new life experience. The only right way and way to learn something new is to observe everything around us and listen to what someone else has to say to us. Some people are addicted to talking. Sometimes I meet people I can't get to the river. They don't care what they say, nor do they want to have a normal conversation, they only care about what they say. Whether they cure some of their complexes with that, whether they feel more valuable that way, I don't know, there are probably a lot of things at stake. However, such people are ashamed of the information that the environment provides them, and very little or not at all manage to enrich their knowledge. So do not be a talker at any cost, listen and listen to the world around you what it has to say and show you, only then will it teach you something new. Knowledge is the only thing that no one can take away from you. And the more you know, the more you are worth.

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4 years ago


The more knowledge we have, the more valuable we will be. Acquiring knowledge is not just in school, it is gaining a lot of knowledge by observing the environment around us. And education is not just about learning. Knowledge from the basics.

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4 years ago

excellent say, knowledge is all around us

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4 years ago

Informative Article.. Every one should listen more and talk less... Keep Writing Dear..

Knowledge is the only thing that no one can take away from you. And the more you know, the more you are worth...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

just right that, knowledge is a power inside us, and it is our driving force, we can selflessly share our knowledge without fear of ever spending it

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4 years ago

Yes.. Keep Writing Dear..

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4 years ago

Moje mozdane celije se stalno obnavljaju ...mozda zato imam odlicnu memoriju...ovihdana sam cak resavala i statisticke zadatke.Vazno je da covek voli da uci a to je retkot danas.

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4 years ago

zabluda je da ljudi ne vole da uce, svaki covek nesto voli da uci, samo je problem u tome sto smo nategnuti da ucimo ono sto je sistemski odredjeno da moramo znati, pa nam ostaje malo vremena da se posvetimo pravim interesovanjima

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4 years ago

Covek se uci dok je ziv, e sad poenta je kakva Vam se interesovanja razviju u detinjstvu, ranoj mladosti, posle se razvijaju i cesto preusmeravaju. Meni je recimo oduvek u fokusu bio sport, nije mi bilo tesko ustajem u 6 ujutru i da treniram, a uporedo i da citam razne knjige o medicini ipak vremenom sam pobegao od toga, ali sad volim da citam i ucim o psihologiji, a marketing volim oduvek. Po meni, sve je do interesovanja, a dobra knjiga i dobar ucitelj lako mogu da zainteresuju mladiog coveka. Imam jednog inovatora medju prijateljima, a znam kako se zainteresovao za masinstvo, uz dobre profesore i dobru knjigu. Cesto volim da kazem, knjiga je jedan od mojih najboljih prijatelja.

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4 years ago

Ucenje je sigurno celozivotni proces. Od kada se rodimo pa sve do kraja zivota ucimo po nesto novo. To je zapravo dobro, jer dok god nesto novo ucimo drzimo mozak aktivnim.

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4 years ago

tako je uvek treba uciti i biti otvoren za nove stvari i nove stranice u knjizi znanja, bez toga smo samo prazna ljustura

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4 years ago

Every one need listen more, talk less. You share very important article with us. You are a good article writter. You are absolutely right in your article. Keep it up. May god bless you.

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4 years ago

Thank you for your support and good wishes, may dear God keep you on your way through life.

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4 years ago