Sunday is the day we spend time with our family. We also finish housework that day. This week, Dad decided to clean the area around the house of fallen leaves, and his children keep him company. Of course, a real dad always takes the opportunity to play with his children and bring some fun to a boring job. And where will you have more fun than direct a jet of air in your face. Some men never grow up.
Nedelja je dan kada provodimo vreme sa svojom porodicom. Takodjer tog dana zavrsavamo i kucne poslove. Ove nedelje tata je resio da ocisti prostor oko kuce od opalog lisca, a njegova deca mu prave drustvo. Naravno pravi tata uvek iskoristi priliku da se i poigra sa svojom decom i da unese malo zabave u dosadan posao. A gde ce te vece zabave nego usmeriti mlaz vazduha u lice. Neki muskarci nikada ne odrastu .
Obviously, a genuine father generally makes a move to play with his youngsters and carry an amusing to an exhausting position what's more, where will you have a great time than jeep toys partake in the autonomy of adults and couldn't want anything more than to ride in jeep like their mother and father as they frolic around the area.