Never let others define who we are

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2 years ago

Never let others define who we are, since we will spend our lives trying to please others and away from our true essence

Hello hello friends of this beautiful community, today I want to discuss with you a topic that I perceive to be very interesting at the level of all people, since many times we get carried away by signs or as we popularly know it, what they will say. Obviously it is something that many people handle in a good way and others that affect them in an atrocious way.

And it is something that they do to us and at times we do without being aware of it, so it is super interesting to be aware of the damage we can do to others, with our attitudes, behaviors, actions, words, that surely we do not want to cause any damage, but we do not have the slightest idea that it can affect other people's lives to such a degree that it creates many problems for them.

When it is the opposite, when we are the ones affected we have to gradually take charge of these emotions, it is not easy, it takes time, but it is the moment in which we have to take responsibility for ourselves. Do not forget that in order to have a healthy life our mind also has to be healthy, otherwise this would become a serious problem, and we also have to be clear that if we do not take care of our mental and physical well-being, no one else will do it for us. .

We only come to this world once in this body, we must make this experience the most memorable of life without trying to do what others say and sacrificing our peace, tranquility in short, our happiness for that of others. , the worst of the case is that these people would not do the same for ours. For this reason, friends, today's invitation/reflection is that we become aware that you do things without thinking about what they will say, only about your happiness.

Working on you, I assure you that in the future it will bring very nice things, because there is nothing more important than having a healthy mind, strong in the face of adversity, this does not mean that there are no times when we cannot be vulnerable in situations that life puts us, on the contrary even in those moments we will be stronger than ever.

Those people who only hurt us we have to let them go, get the best learning from those experiences because even in the bad there will always be good things and that they will remain as wisdom for life, I am sure that along the way they will be added incredible people who add more and subtract less to your life, those people are a vitamin for our existence, because we will always find words of encouragement in them and they are of great relevance to our lives. For this reason, do not let this type of person go, always keep him in your life, take care of him and value him a lot.

Finally, I want you to know that if you are a person who causes harm, try to correct your mistakes, changing, because change can happen as long as we are aware of it and want to do it. I leave you this phrase that is one of those that I always have present in my life because it is never perfect but knowing how to face problems it is.

โ€œIn life someone will betray you and you will betray someone. In the first, have the courage to accept the situation, grab the best of it and let it flow. In the second, as in the first, do not live blaming yourself, let go of the situation and improve for the futureโ€

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Avatar for milaagrosramirez
2 years ago
