Dare to say NO, I don't deserve this. I deserve much more.

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Avatar for milaagrosramirez
2 years ago

The word "NO" is within everyone's reach, being able to say it is extremely liberating, but many times, we only think and live to please one person or another, to a certain extent it is acceptable and can even pass as acts of empathy and generosity but even if it makes us uncomfortable or hurt us, the last person we put on the list to please and satisfy desires is us. Without wanting and realizing it we are doing ourselves a very serious damage that we even realize after having crashed millions of times.

They are even customs that are imposed on us or how they educate us from childhood but that our educators in cases such as parents and our family do not imagine the negative consequences that they bring to our lives, because even from there comes living from what they will say and waiting for the approval of everyone to be able to live happily. What we do not see at the time and what happens a lot in youth, when we are teenagers, is that we live waiting for the acceptance of those who believe they are superior beings, regardless of what our body wants.

There are many more things, customs rooted from children that only remain in our lives, but that we must analyze, accept and after that learn to unlearn those customs and behaviors that only lead us to sink into ourselves. Causing many people who do not know how to solve or find solutions to irreversible damage such as;

• Losing our self-esteem, little by little without realizing it by pleasing others we are losing ourselves a little through these actions, even coming to think that we are less important than others, valuing ourselves less.

• We get to the point of not knowing, little by little we are losing our hobbies since we always put our tastes first to please others.

That is why it is essential to know ourselves, to know our limits, what we like and what we don't, it is even a form of love and respect for yourself, so that anyone around you will know what to do, say or even propose, in Few words will know how to respect you. But first you must take the first step, value yourself, get to know yourself and say no, because I am a person who deserves nice things and this does not please me and it does me no good.

Learning to say no also implies learning to say things with love, respect and in a clear and concise way towards the person who is saying it, without taking too many turns to say it, without many detours saying no, in a normal tone without the need to argue, looking into the eyes, and even without the need to say or explain, it is simply that you do not want or desire certain things. You can even take the first step on small occasions or situations with people you trust, because it is healthy for you.

Personally, it happened to me that I had never taken the time to even know what I did not want and above all, I would not let others do it to me. That way, I let many situations pass that hurt me. Maybe these people didn't mean to hurt but their words and actions did the opposite and I didn't know or have the slightest idea how I could say no, because my mind thought that these people would think that I was selfish, or they just didn't like me, But every time I said yes to things that I didn't want, I lost a little more, my self-esteem was on the ground, I thought that it wasn't enough, that I could never become anything good or positive in life.

After a while I realized that these situations had led me to a kind of anxiety and low self-esteem. In addition, as I mentioned earlier in another of my publications, I felt that I did not fit in, because I did not feel so pretty for not having a body with the correct measurements and I really did not realize the great damage that this caused in me, until one day I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to get to know myself better, get away from people who only saw the superficial of me and only see the superficial of the world, to leave in my life what is true, those who care beyond the physical, but for that I had to make decisions and learn to say NO I deserve more, I am a valuable person who deserves more.

We are all deserving of success, of having love in our lives, a beautiful family, people who multiply in positive things and who do not care if you have money or not, if you are pretty or ugly, if you are skinny or fat, people who remain despite of adversity, because many will be in your good times but in the bad only the real ones will be counted on the fingers of your hands. Learn to differentiate the good things from the bad in your life, what you like and don't like, just like people, it is essential for your mental health. Do not forget, they may think that you are very selfish but do not change your emotional and physical well-being to please anyone who is not worth it, because you are worth a lot and you are deserving of beautiful and positive things.


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Avatar for milaagrosramirez
2 years ago


You made me remember the discussions with my son, I know he defends his point of view but what happens is that we lose respect when we raise our voice. today I was telling my son that you can discuss a point of view but you have to know how to defend it and not impose it. I like your article

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2 years ago