Today's nature

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There is no good or bad in nature, that is a hard thing for us to accept. Human destruction of nature is rapidly continuing the world's capacity to provide water and food.

We are destroying our nature, threatening the survival of million species and our future too. But it'snot too late to save them and us. Our destruction of biodiversity and ecosystem has reached the level that threaten our well-being as human.

Less room for wildlife, the main reason is simple. Our expanding farms and cities are leaving less room for wildlife. Other major causes are the direvt exploitation of wildlife such as climate change, pollution and hunting. Climate change is set to become even more destructive.

Biodiversity loss should be considered on the same scale as of climate change. About fisheries, the world's most popular regoin -Asia pacific is declining to zero by 2048 because of availability of freshwater in the America that has halved by Europe about 42%.

The extinction of such animals like birds are so decimated, and as well as the death of last male northern white rhinoceros.

But we can still turn things around "Nature can be conserved, restored and used sustainability.

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