“The Matrix is a documentary, not a sci-fi movie.”

This is something I kept hearing the past couple of months, so I decided to dive into it and watch it again with fresh eyes.

“What is the truth? What is real? What are we here for? What is control? Who is in control? Are we actually free?”

While I let these questions simmer in my head, I’d like to share some of the messages I got from the film. Some might be a bit polarizing so if they don’t resonate with you, just skip it.

WE GET THE TRUTH WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE. I’d like to believe that the truth is all around us, but most of the time, we are not ready for them—so we ignore them or entertain bits and pieces of them. How do we get ready for the fuller truths? Through knowing ourselves, as the Oracle points out.

WE ARE LIVING IN OUR OWN DREAM WORLD. Our perceived reality is highly dependent on the lens we choose to view the world from. A group of people can view an exact same situation in the exact same way, and still have different interpretations of it. So if you choose to be a victim or a victor, then you will find ways to validate that for yourself.

WE CREATE OUR OWN LIMITATIONS. How? By observing the world and recalibrating to what is considered possible and impossible. By learning fear, doubt, and disbelief. When Neo falls from his first jump, it didn’t mean that he was incapable—far from it. It was to show that he was still a prisoner to his limitations. Hence, Morpheus’ iconic lines, “Free your mind,” and, “Don’t think you are, know you are.”

WE NEED SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN. Belief is what gives us purpose. It’s what jolts us into action. It has the ability to withstand knowledge or reason, and enables us to create our own life’s meaning. Without it, then we may be awakened—like Cypher—but desperately wanting to go back to sleep. With it and powered with love—that’s what made Neo unstoppable.

SOME SOCIETAL NORMS HAVE BECOME MEANS FOR CONTROL. Take the consumerist world as an example. Most of us were told that we need a good education, so that we will get a good job. And then, we need to work hard at that job, so that we can afford the things that we are told that we need—which we don’t, but we buy them anyway. So, are you in control of your life, or are you being controlled?

WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE—EVEN WHEN WE SAY WE DON’T. What’s striking is when the Architect told Neo that when given a choice, only 1% of minds reject the matrix. It means that in theory, most of us have already chosen the blue pill over the red. Most of us may be choosing ignorance over the truth. When was the last time you’ve turned a blind eye because the truth seemed too frightening or inconvenient? We can’t awaken if we’re choosing to sleep.

WE ARE ALL THE ONE. We are both the frightened, confused, fragile human, and also the invincible hero. Alongside our vulnerabilities as humans is an untold power that is waiting to be unlocked. We are destined for both nothing and everything—depending on what we choose. Believe you’re the one, and you become it.

To close this off, let me leave you with one of the most iconic and mind-boggling conversations between Neo and one of the potentials:

“Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.” “What truth?” “There is no spoon.” “There is no spoon?” “Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”

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@mheliz posted 3 years ago
