The collaboration of adults as a guide for children.

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4 years ago

Today it is necessary for parents to work with each other to support the home. In most cases children are left alone at home or in the care of another child, which is not favorable due to inexperience.

Children need the collaboration of adults to guide them. Parents are the appropriate ones to do it, it is their duty, however, there are other adults who can be a help to them, be it a close relative.

How to give the guide to the children?

They are usually the parents who guide the children, since they are an influence on the attitudes and behaviors of their children. Parents should take advantage of the admiration and respect their children feel, dedicating time, letting them know that their activities are important, transmit their values ​​to them and tell them about their experiences.

There are adults who can help in the absence of parents for work, they can play the role of counselors or guides, this does not mean that the parents are going to give up their authority, this will rather contribute to complement the education that you give them .

But, you must be sure that this person is eligible to care for your children, because he is reliable and would not harm your child. Today, many families are no longer together, because their grandparents, uncles, live far away.

If this is the case for your family, ensure that your children have the privilege of learning as adults with the qualities that you would like your children to have.

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4 years ago


Grandparents are the ones, but they are not always willing, sometimes they feel tired, and the children are very restless. Ideally, parents should be able to take turns being with children, the company of parents during their early years is so important.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Why should grandparents raise grandchildren? They already raised their own. No way I will raise my grandchildren. That's the job of the parents not mine. If they are not able to do so they better not have children.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you are right the grandparents are not to take care of their grandchildren full time, they had their children, now they have to enjoy old age, I mean in the article that there are adults like grandparents, uncles ... who are very wise in knowledge and they can transmit those ideas to the children that will be useful to them later ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

With us, children from the age of 4 years old have to go to school. No, this is not kindergarten. They spend whole days at school which is about 8 hours and before or after school they can go to daycare. With two patents available it sounds to me the parents can take care of their own children. If two work it means more expensive too.

Grandparents rarely take care of their grandchildren. Perhaps during a holiday but it's not common to live in the same village, street, etc either.

If you raise your children well and they are a bit older I do not see a problem in letting them stay at home alone. My children did, took care of each other and they never set the house at fire or did something bad. It's more relaxing to stay at home instead of daycare or visiting other people. At the end of the day you need to grab your bag again and move again.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

In my case I don't want anyone to take care of my children except me. I want to watch them as they become grown ups with my own eyes and teach them things they should know and make them better adults as they grow. I wanted their grandparents to have rest because they're too old to raise a grandchild all they have to do is sit and enjoy their time but they can visit and borrow their grandchildren sometimes. 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your opinion...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I find that it would also depend on the child's willingness too since a lot of kids are so fixated on the idea of being with their parents so sometimes they'll reject all other adult presence

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That child will have a problem if it goes to school.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also think the same, I think that parents should have more interaction with people so that the child relates to other people

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I find that it would also depend on the child's willingness too since a lot of kids are so fixated on the idea of being with their parents so sometimes they'll reject all other adult presence

Yes, that usually happens when the child hardly sees his relatives, he rejects them, it is all a matter of sharing ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Not really when they hardly see relatives but probably just depends on the relationship with the parent in cases

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's true and if the parents and children don't care why should the society make a statement out of it?

$ 0.00
4 years ago