The church during the pandemic.

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4 years ago

Currently it is not possible to attend the temples to hear the word of God, due to the Pandemic that affects the population worldwide. The agglomeration of people is prohibited, inside a closed space, you cannot visit new believers, nor preaching in open places.

There are some people who believe that they have been left helpless by pastors or spiritual leaders, this is not the case, because the Christian knows that our main coverage is Jesus Christ, since he said that one day he would leave, but he would send us his beloved spirit holy.

He will always be with us until the end of time. It should be noted that the church is not the physical space or temple, but rather that each person is the church where the holy spirit dwells.

The time has come to gather in the houses with the family to share the word of God and pray all together for: the healing of the planet, its economy, employment for people who do not have work, for peace, that there is no lack of food in the homes…

In God's time, the early church met in homes and thus Jesus Christ began his ministry on earth, calling the apostles and forming them as men of God, to continue preaching the gospel when he left this world.

All this that is happening, has allowed us to strengthen emotional ties with our relatives, friends, neighbors, pastors and spiritual leaders through phone calls, social networks such as whatsapp, facebook, youtube, zoom, twitter, have also been used as an alternative. istagram, Skype, telegram to be in contact with the brothers through videos, conferences, audios with content from the bible and motivational themes to move forward, radio and television present programs with the word of God to enliven confidence. faith, solidarity, serenity, love, hope as instruments to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Alternatives in pandemic

Finally, I suggest that you have to fill yourself with positive thoughts every day, nothing lasts forever, let's continue to strengthen our communion with God with prayer. Not meeting, or having contact with pastors and spiritual leaders, is not an impediment to talk with him, since at home you can do it with your family, worshiping God is the best we can do at this time ...

You can subscribe to my profile, I continually upload publications to the platform.

I invite you to join the community of values, the language to write is Spanish, I leave the link. f7f9

I wait for you in the community.

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4 years ago



$ 0.00
4 years ago

We must follow quarantine rules. Churches must do the same for the safety of their people and devotees.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

God is everywhere, for safety, we must prevent any contagion of this virus, I suggest using social networks to have online content that motivates us to increase our faith, trust, wisdom to face all the obstacles that arise ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed there was a time churches did not exist and it is a place Jesus dislikes. From the moment on television and radio exist church meetings are broadcasted and there are many communities where people can meet. If you really feel lost you should act yourself but some people always feel lost in some way. No church leader or community can change that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I only know that spiritual leaders do their work, and in these times of pandemic, they are watching people online, there is no reason to feel lost, they can pray as a family.

$ 0.00
4 years ago