Heads up! This will be a rant sort kind of article so if you don't wish to read some negativities and some probable profanities, you may save yourself the trouble and skip on ahead to another article.
But if you're feeling like a sweetie today and would like to lend an ear to a friend in need of a little consolation, then I would really appreciate you staying here. I'll have a bottle of beer for you waiting at the end of this if you decided to stay.
So here's the thing, yesterday, I was slapped across the face by how disorganized and how mismanaged my country is. I also realized how much we, as a nation, love lines or queues. It's astounding. I was really amazed and I was so disappointed and ashamed. But I just want to get it out in the open, but of course, everyone knows that. I will just be repeating what everyone seems to forget and readily accepted.
The Beginning
It was a fine day although it was raining for a bit. I did not even bat an eye when it did even if I just cleaned the car. I decided to go to work a bit early so I can drive leisurely.
My commute was usually around 20-25 minutes overall depending on how heavy the traffic is. I was driving pretty slow and when I reached the national highway, the movement of the vehicles in front of me became very slow until we all came to a halt.
Then we were in a line of vehicles for some time. Usually, a national highway could cater to four lines, 2 lines for each direction. And apparently, they closed two lines for construction purposes. They dug up and peeled up the concrete from the road so there were lots of holes and puddles on the way. It will be well and good since the road was still passable for a vehicle, so we can all go peacefully one by one.
But then the stupid drivers came suddenly there are 3 lines converging into one path. Why do people do that? You see cars piled up in front of you and they aren't moving and then you're mind is so bright and your selfishness takes over and you deviate from the road and make your own path only contributing to the congestion. And then you have the audacity to honk your horn cause you can't move past the obstruction? You're so intelligent are you not?
So in the end, my 20-minute or so commute turned into an hour. Just wow.
I was barely in time for work, not a single second to spare.
And in the afternoon, I opted to avail of the vaccine for this COVID-19 virus. They were administering the shots in the cinemas inside a mall. From the registration, we were given time slots or schedules when we can get the shots. At first, I was amazed and I expected that it was going to be organized since we have time slots dedicated for each company.
I proceeded to the cinemas and then I was told that the line starts from the outside of the mall, it was in the back exit. And then I knew that my expectations went down the drain. Why would there be a long-a$$ line when we were scheduled per company.
And when I arrived at the line, I saw that there was no line, there were 4 lines. And as the lines were set up like that, I knew that it's going to be a bloodbath. The lines were there waiting for the upside people to call. And then when they call several rows from the four lines will be allowed to enter the mall.
But whenever the upstairs people would call, chaos will ensue. The people on several rows upfront in the four lines will all get up from their chairs and will form another line to go inside. But when they do, people from the back of the lines or people who are not in the lines at all would pile up with them. There were shouting, there were some pushing and some shoving, it was barbaric. I was in awe, how stupid people are.
After you manage to get inside the mall, you will then be lining up again before you can enter the cinemas. What's up with all the lines? Why would they even think that they could control four lines when they can't even organize a single line up? Why? What the hell was that?
I will be cutting this rant article now, just remembering all that makes my blood pressure go up. LOL. Also, I am feeling that my arm is getting heavier by the minute and it's starting to move on its own. Whoa.
Also, I would like to say thanks to @PVMihalache for being my sponsor and for the support. I appreciate you, man!
And of course you, you've been there always and here I promise a beer right? You can claim it when you meet me at the bar, until then...
Series : Random Articles
Title : The Blurred Lines
Published : 06-Oct-2021
Author : © RB
Hahhaa that was realky a tough day prof. Na subok yung patience and self-contrl mi prof haah. Only in the Philippines.