Would you dare to use Artificial Intelligence?

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1 year ago
Topics: Culture, World, Anime, Art, Artist, ...

Lately through the networks there is a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence, which is advancing with the passage of time and is improving to the orders dictated by the user. I in particular have been using it for some time, and I have to say that if you more or less have an idea of how to use it you can achieve good results; for example, in digital drawings.

These can help enormously to people who are learning to draw either traditional or digital, because not only facilitates certain things but how to achieve or improve those ideas that we have in mind.

Recently I was trying with a picture of a girl from which I could move to digital drawing anime style, for this I went to the website Starrayi, to load the file and give the necessary instructions and thus see what possible results could offer me, to which and after seeing what I threw the program left me a good impression.

For the commands you have to be specific, in the Prompt section, put: Girl drawn in anime style. Then, in the drawing styles select Anna Dittman, Digital Painting, StoryBook Illustration. From there you must wait at least a few seconds so you can see the final work; something I will share below and draw your own conclusions.

Original image

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Without more to add I say goodbye, and I invite you to use this page. I wish you the best. See you then.

Sources of the images


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Avatar for mc5punk
1 year ago
Topics: Culture, World, Anime, Art, Artist, ...


I don't appreciate AI art. AI should help humanity, and creative arts are not the region for that.

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1 year ago

Thank you for commenting. Regards.

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1 year ago