Short story: The Veil of Desolation

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3 months ago

She was sitting in her room, surrounded by books and documents trying to unravel the mystery of the veil that had covered their world for millennia. The arrival of the alien spaceships was the turning point that triggered a series of events that had changed the way they lived and thought.

He remembers the first time he saw the ships. It was a day like any other, the veil was as thick as ever, but suddenly, two glowing objects emerged from the mist. They didn't know what they were, but soon discovered that they were spaceships that had landed on their planet.

The veil began to behave anomalously. It twisted and formed spirals that looked like portals to other worlds. The children were the first to experience the changes. Their dreams became populated with visions of unimaginable places, and upon awakening, their accounts were so vivid that adults could not dismiss them as mere fantasies. Some began to speak in unknown tongues; at other times, they remained silent, their eyes lost in the veil.

It wasn't long before the influence of the ships spread to the elders. People began to hear barely audible whispers, as if the veil was transmitting messages on a frequency bordering on insanity. The sanity of the population was crumbling, and with it, the structure of their society.

The veil became a dark mirror, reflecting not only the ships, but also the deepest fears of each individual. People reported seeing duplicates of themselves, entities that replicated their actions but with a cruelty and malice that was alien to them.

He remembers the night his little brother began to speak in an unknown language. It was as if he was possessed by something. She was terrified, but her mother tried to calm him down, believing it was just a dream. However, they soon discovered that other children were also experiencing the same thing.

-What's wrong, Mom? -asked his brother, in a strange and unfamiliar voice.

-Don't worry, son. It's just a dream," said his mother, trying to calm him down.

-It's not a dream," insisted his brother, with a look that was not his own.

It was then that they decided to venture into the heart of the veil, where the ships had landed. They didn't know what they would find, but they knew they had to discover the truth behind this strange influence.

The veil was so dense that they could barely see their feet. But they pressed on, convinced that they would find something that would help them understand what was happening. Finally, they came to a clearing and found the ships. They were not of extraterrestrial origin, but creations of the veil itself, physical manifestations of an ancient and unknown intelligence that had awakened.

-What is this? -asked his friend, in a fearful voice.

-I don't know," she answered, with the same incredulity.

The intelligence revealed its purpose: it was a being from another universe, trapped in its own by a cosmic cataclysm. Its presence within the veil was an attempt to communicate, to seek help to return to its dimension. But its language was so alien that instead of a dialogue, it had provoked an epidemic of terror and confusion.

He remembers the sense of disbelief he felt when he heard the truth. He could not believe that something so strange was happening in his world. But they soon discovered that the intelligence was real and was trying to help them.

Just when they thought they had found the solution, the intelligence revealed a secret that changed their lives forever. The veil was not just a natural phenomenon, but a gateway to other worlds. And the ships were not just a visit, but an invasion.

-What do you mean? -asked his friend, in an astonished voice.

-The veil is a door to other worlds," answered the intelligence, in a voice that echoed in their minds.

The veil became a dark mirror, reflecting not only the ships, but also their own fears and doubts. People reported seeing duplicates of themselves, entities replicating their actions but with a cruelty and malice that was alien to them.

Now, sitting in her room, surrounded by books and documents, she can see the world differently. The veil is no longer a mystery, but an opportunity to explore and discover the secrets of the universe.

But just when she thought she had found the truth, a devastating explosion shook the room. The veil had become so dense that it had blocked out the sunlight, and the darkness had become a bottomless abyss. The intelligence had revealed its true intention: to destroy his world and absorb his energy to return to his dimension.

-What's going on? -cried his friend, terrified.

-The veil... -he started to say, but could not continue. The darkness had become an unbearable reality.

She sat in the darkness, surrounded by books and documents, while the veil consumed everything around her. The truth had been too late to escape. The veil had been the gateway to desolation, and she had been the last to discover it.

Source of the images.
Image created with Starryai.

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3 months ago
