Short story: The Tragic Flight - Part III

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2 months ago

Agent Ramirez returned to the police station, determined to find a lead that would lead him to those responsible for the attack. He pored over the reports and interviews, looking for anything he had missed.

It was then that he noticed a detail that had gone unnoticed. In the description of the attackers' vehicle, the victim had mentioned that it was an SUV, but had not specified the model or color. Ramirez wondered if that information might be relevant.

Determined to pursue that line of investigation, the detective contacted border security agencies and provided them with available information about the incident. He asked them to keep their eyes open for any suspicious vehicles matching the description.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, the injured man was slowly recovering, but his mind kept wandering back to the attack. Who were these men and why had they targeted him? Had it been a case of mistaken identity or was there something darker behind it all?

One night, as he was trying to fall asleep, he heard a noise coming from the hallway. Alarmed, he pressed the nurse call button, but no one answered. Fear gripped him as he saw a shadow approach his room.

The door slowly opened and a hooded figure entered the room. The man held his breath in terror as the intruder approached his bed. But instead of attacking him, the stranger dropped an envelope on his lap and vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

Trembling, the man opened the envelope and found a handwritten note: "You need to get out of here. It is not safe for you. Follow the enclosed instructions and disappear."

Next to the note was a plane ticket and an overseas address. The man was puzzled, not knowing what to think. Who had sent him that warning and why? Was he still in danger inside the hospital?

Determined to find out the truth, the man got out of bed, ignoring the pain of his injuries. He had to escape from there and find a safe place where he could hide. But as he made his way to the door, he realized he was not alone. Someone else was watching him from the shadows, and that person seemed to have all the answers he was looking for.

The wounded man stopped in his tracks as he saw the figure watching him from the shadows. It was an older man, his face marked by experience and concern.

"Who are you, what's going on?" the man asked, his voice trembling.

The stranger took a step forward, revealing his face. "My name is Enrique. I'm an undercover agent who has been investigating the men who attacked you."

The man looked at him suspiciously. "How do you know what happened to me? Did you have anything to do with this?"

Enrique held up a hand in a sign of calm. "No, I had nothing to do with the attack. In fact, I've been trying to protect you ever since."

"Protect me? From whom?" the man was becoming increasingly confused and frightened.

"From the men who attacked you," Enrique replied. "They are part of an international criminal organization that is behind a dangerous arms deal. And I think you've been drawn into something you don't understand."

The man dropped back on the bed, processing the information. "What do you mean, what do I have to do with any of this?"

Henry walked over and handed him the envelope he had left earlier. "That note and the documents it contains are your ticket out. You need to get out of here as soon as possible. Those men won't stop until they find you."

"But... where am I supposed to go, how can I trust you?" The man was overwhelmed by the situation.

"I know it's hard to believe, but right now, I'm your only chance of survival," Henry said earnestly. "You have to trust me and follow instructions to the letter. Your life depends on it."

The man looked at the envelope with uncertainty, but he knew he had no choice. If what Henry said was true, his only hope was to run and hide. Taking a deep breath, he nodded with determination.

"All right, I'll trust you. But I want to know the whole truth when I'm safe."

Henry nodded. "I promise. Now, you need to get out of here as soon as possible. I'll take care of distracting the guards. Good luck."

Without further words, the wounded man struggled to his feet and left the room, leaving the safety of the hospital behind and stepping into an uncertain future, but with the hope of escaping the dangers that lurked ahead.

Source of the images.
Image created with Starryai.

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