Short story: The Tragic Flight - Part II

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3 months ago

At the hospital, the wounded man was treated urgently by a medical team. He had multiple fractures, contusions and a concussion. After stabilizing him, the doctors transferred him to intensive care, where he would remain under observation.

Meanwhile, local police had been notified of the incident and began investigating the case. The pilots of the rescue helicopter were questioned and provided all the information they had.

"So, you say these men attacked him for no apparent reason?" asked the detective in charge of the case.

"That's what the injured man told us before he lost consciousness," the pilot replied. "They seemed to be looking for someone, but we don't know who."

The detective nodded thoughtfully. "We're going to need more details - were they able to see anything that would identify them? Any license plates on the vehicle, anything that would give us a clue?"

Unfortunately, the pilots had failed to get any more information. It had all happened too fast and in the middle of the vastness of the desert.

Meanwhile, in the hospital room, the injured man was struggling to recover. When he finally awoke, the police came to question him, hoping to get more clues about his attackers.

"Do you remember anything else about those men?" the detective asked. "Any details could be helpful."

The man made an effort to concentrate, despite the pain and confusion. "There were three of them...they wore black and looked trained. One of them had a scar on his face."

The detective quickly jotted down the information. "Do you know why they attacked you? Do you have any idea who they might be?"

The man shook his head. "I have no idea. I've never seen them before. They simply accused me of something I didn't do and beat me unconscious."

The investigation was getting complicated. With no witnesses and scant leads, the detective knew it would be a challenge to find those responsible. But he was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery and uncover the truth.

Meanwhile, the wounded man was slowly recovering, uncertainty and fear consuming him. Who were these men and why had they attacked him? Was his life in danger? These questions haunted him, and he knew he would face an uncertain and dangerous future.

As the man recovered in the hospital, the police investigation progressed slowly. The detective in charge of the case, Agent Ramirez, was struggling to find clues that would lead him to those responsible for the brutal attack.

They reviewed records in the area, but found no suspicious vehicles matching the description provided by the victim. There were also no reports of recent criminal activity in the desert area.

"This doesn't make sense," Agent Ramirez was frustrated. "How is it possible that three armed men could attack someone in the middle of nowhere and disappear without a trace?"

Determined to get more information, Ramirez visited the wounded man at the hospital. He found the patient still weak, but conscious and willing to cooperate.

"Sir, I need you to tell me in more detail what you remember about your attackers," the detective requested. "Anything that might help us identify them."

The man made an effort to concentrate, despite the pain and confusion that still gripped him. "There were three men, dressed in black and they looked trained. One of them had a scar on his face."

Ramirez nodded, taking notes. "Did you notice anything else - any accents, tattoos, or anything that distinguished them?"

The man closed his eyes, trying to conjure up more details. "I remember one of them had a tattoo on his arm, but I couldn't quite make out what it was. And they were talking to each other in a language I didn't recognize."

Agent Ramirez frowned, thoughtfully. "Do you think they could be foreigners?"

"It's possible," the man replied. "They sounded like they weren't from around here."

Ramirez stood up, thanking the patient for his cooperation. He now had some more concrete leads to follow, but he still had a long way to go. Who were these men and why had they attacked this seemingly random victim?

Meanwhile, the man in the hospital bed wondered if he would ever fully recover, not only physically, but also from the anguish and fear that plagued him. Would he be safe or would he have to live with the constant threat of his mysterious attackers?

Source of the images.
Image created with Starryai.

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3 months ago
