Short story: The Hallucinogenic Mushroom

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1 month ago

-Do you see it?


-It looks pretty gross.

-Of course it does!

-And even disgusting.

-So what?

-Are you going to touch that?

-Ummm... let me think about it.


-Crazy you.


-Shut up!

The little girl accompanying our protagonist, a boy who was staring with a magnifying glass at the mushroom that recently appeared on the tree in his backyard, laughs out loud at the exchange.

-It's certainly fascinating.


-Go to sleep!

-And what are you going to do with that?

The boy begins to touch it with his fingertips. He notices that it is soft to the touch and not slimy as he thought. Then he decides to rip it off.


The boy stares at her with narrowed eyes, implying that he doesn't care what she says.

-Then eat it.

It seemed like a good idea, so she put it in her mouth to start chewing and tasting it. Magical colors and strange sounds make him feel like he is on an extrasensory journey, where the things around him lose their defined shapes to become abstract. Everything moves, nothing is static. He no longer knows where he is up and where he is down. It seems crazy. He feels his body as light as a feather, that he can no longer experience carnal pain and that....

-Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -he barely opens his eyes and realizes that he is in the hospital.

The boy's eyes are so wide that they look like two fried eggs as he looks around him, still under the effects of the hallucinogenic mushroom. Everyone around him watches in amazement, thanking heaven that the boy has come to his senses and may be better off if he gets some rest; except for his cousin, who laughs out loud knowing that her cousin looks like a deranged man.

At the hospital, his mother, Mrs. Garcia, and his aunt, Mrs. Lopez, are sitting next to him, worried and with tears in their eyes. Dr. Garcia, the family doctor, is reviewing the test results and consulting with the nurse, Mr. Martinez, about the boy's condition.

Mrs. Garcia, in a trembling voice, asks:

-How is my son?

Dr. Garcia replies:

-The child is recovering. The effects of the fungus have been very strong, but it seems that he has already overcome the crisis. He needs to rest and he must not touch the fungus again.

Mrs. Lopez, with a mocking smile, says:

-Poor cousin of mine, what a misfortune!

Mrs. Garcia, with a sigh, replies:

-I hope he never does anything like that again!

The boy, with his eyes still open, looks around and sees his family worried. Then, with a sigh, he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

The boy wakes up in a hospital room, surrounded by strange devices and monitors. His mother, Mrs. Garcia, is sitting next to him, with a worried expression. Dr. Garcia enters the room and explains that the boy has been in a coma for three days due to a serious infection.

-How did I do this to myself? -asks the child, confused.

Dr. Garcia answers:

-The child suffered a serious infection after touching a poisonous mushroom. It was very serious and he almost lost his life. But thanks to the quick intervention of the doctors, the boy has been able to recover.

Mrs. Garcia, with tears in her eyes, hugs her son and says:

-I am so happy to see you awake, my son!

The boy, with a sigh, realizes the seriousness of his situation and promises his mother that he will never touch a mushroom again.

-Why didn't you tell me? -asks the child, in a weak voice.

Mrs. Garcia, in a soft voice, answers:

-My son, don't worry about that now! The important thing is that you are alive and recovering. Now, rest and don't worry about anything.

The child, with a sigh, closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Days later, the boy is at home, surrounded by his family and friends, celebrating his recovery. His cousin, Miss Lopez, approaches him with a mocking smile and says:

-Hey, cousin, I heard that you saw unicorns and fairies when you were high on that mushroom!

The boy, with a shy smile, replies:

-Yeah, it was a crazy experience! But I don't plan to touch those mushrooms ever again, they almost killed me!

Everyone bursts out laughing, relieved that the boy has learned his lesson and is safe. Mrs. Garcia, with a proud smile, gives her son a kiss on the cheek and says:

-I'm so proud of you, my son! Now, how about celebrating with a delicious chocolate cake?

The boy, with a beaming smile, replies:

-I think that's a great idea, Mom!

And so, family and friends enjoy a delicious celebration, laughing and reminiscing about the boy's crazy adventures with the hallucinogenic mushroom.

Source of the images.
Image created with Starryai.

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1 month ago
