Short story: The Fall of an Empire: Betrayal in Social Networks

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3 weeks ago

In a conversation between two users on an instant messaging app, a story of betrayal and loss within an online community is revealed.

@bigmc: Did you know what happened to @blackpanther?

@scareface: No, tell me.

@bigmc: His group was attacked. The entire conversation history, as well as its members, disappeared.

@scareface: What the...?! Unbelievable! What exactly happened?

@bigmc: Apparently, you were betrayed by one of your administrators, who also disappeared.

@scareface: Are you sure? I'm asking because I seem to remember that he had several people in those positions.

@bigmc: Yes, I am. He told me himself and he suspects mainly @hellokitty, because he was the one who suggested him to add a bot for the surveillance and security of the group.

@scareface: No doubt it was her, it's too much of a coincidence? What a vile and cowardly act of betrayal! And didn't you try to contact her to complain?

@bigmc: Yes he did, but she blocked him.

@scareface: You can't get any clearer than that!

@bigmc: Yes, and it's a shame, since that group was one of the oldest within the application.

@scareface: You will have to start all over again.

@bigmc: No, not anymore. The poor guy is discouraged, especially for having lost his community of 7,000 members.

@scareface: It's a hard blow from which he won't be able to recover. That's what he gets for trusting anyone. I always told him to investigate every user who contacted him privately, but he didn't listen to me. More to @hellokitty, who has a bad reputation. For sure he let himself be seduced by her "charms".

@bigmc: I imagine she sent him a complete package 😆.

@scareface: Yes, and who knows what else 😉

@bigmc.: Lol.

@scareface: I'll write you in a bit, I have other things to do.

@bigmc: Got it 😁

@scareface: We'll be in touch. You write me if you see any news.

@bigmc: Got it 😁

Days later, @bigmc contacts @scareface again with new developments on the case.

@bigmc: Hey, I got more info on the @blackpanther thing!

@scareface: What happened? Tell me.

@bigmc: Apparently, @hellokitty didn't act alone. According to my sources, she was colluding with another admin, @evilqueen.

@scareface: Wow, this just gets worse and worse, how could @blackpanther have been betrayed like this?

@bigmc: Looks like @evilqueen gave @hellokitty access to the group control panel. Together they deleted everything and expelled members.

@scareface: What bastards, and what happened to the community money? Because I imagine they would have some fund.

@bigmc: That's where it all gets more complicated. As I understand it, @hellokitty and @evilqueen absconded with all the group's money.

@scareface: Damn rats! How much money was there in total?

@bigmc: Around $50,000. It was a very active group with a lot of sponsors.

@scareface: My God, how could @blackpanther have trusted those two so much? This is a real tragedy.

@bigmc: Yes, it's a shame. But you know what they say, "there's no one worse blind than the one who doesn't want to see." He was always defending @hellokitty and @evilqueen, despite the rumors.

@scareface: Well, now he will have to pay the consequences of his naivety. I hope he learns his lesson and the authorities can catch those thieves.

@bigmc: I hope so too. For now, @blackpanther is devastated and doesn't know what to do. He lost not only his community, but also a great deal of money.

@scareface: How sad. Hopefully he can bounce back from this blow. Although it will be difficult, as the betrayal of @hellokitty and @evilqueen was too great.

@bigmc: You're right. It will be a long and painful process. But with the support of your friends and followers, maybe you can pull through.

@scareface: I hope so. I'll keep an eye on this case. Let me know if there are any further developments.

@bigmc: Sure, I'll keep an eye out. Talk to you later.

@scareface: Okay. Take care.

Weeks later, @bigmc and @scareface resume their conversation about the @blackpanther case.

@bigmc: Hey, I've got news about @blackpanther! Apparently, things haven't gotten much better for him.

@scareface: What happened, still can't get over the betrayal?

@bigmc: No, actually, things have gotten even more complicated. As far as I know, @blackpanther fell into a deep depression after what happened.

@scareface: My God! That's terrible, what has he done about it?

@bigmc: Little and nothing. He seems to have withdrawn into himself and shut out everything to do with his former community.

@scareface: I understand. It's a natural reaction after such a hard blow. But he can't stay stuck in grief.

@bigmc: Exactly. Some of his closest friends have tried to reach out to him, but @blackpanther has pushed them away.

@scareface: Wow, that's not good. He needs the support of his loved ones right now.

@bigmc: Yeah, but it seems like @hellokitty and @evilqueen's betrayal has scarred him too much. He doesn't trust anyone else.

@scareface: That's a shame. I hope he can get through this and move on. Although it will be difficult, he can't let those wretches win.

@bigmc: You're right. But for now, @blackpanther seems to be at a stalemate. He hasn't reported @hellokitty and @evilqueen to the authorities.

@scareface: What, why hasn't he, he needs to make them pay for what they did to him!

@bigmc: Seems like fear and shame have paralyzed him. He thinks no one will believe him and he'll be judged for blindly trusting those two.

@scareface: That's nonsense! He has to denounce them. If he doesn't, they will remain free and could do the same to other people.

@bigmc: I know, but convincing him of that has been impossible. @blackpanther has shut down.

@scareface: I hope at some point he will react and do the right thing. For now, we can only hope and pray that he can pull through.

@bigmc: Yes, that's the only thing we can do. I'll keep an eye on his situation and let you know if there's any news.

@scareface: Okay. Take care and stay in touch.

@bigmc: You too. Bye.

Source of the images.

Image created with Starryai.

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3 weeks ago


That's a sad story but the good part is even though black panther been betrayed by the people he trusted the most, he never spoke evil about them and didn't reported them.

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago

That's right 👍

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3 weeks ago