Short story: The Door to Other Worlds

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2 months ago

Life doesn't always give you a happy ending, but sometimes it shows you a truth that changes everything.

I'm sitting in my room, surrounded by books and documents trying to unravel the mystery of the fog that has shrouded our world for millennia. The arrival of alien spacecraft was the tipping point that triggered a series of events that have changed the way we live and think.

I remember the first time I saw the ships. It was a day like any other, the fog was as thick as ever, but suddenly, two glowing objects emerged from the haze. "What are those things?", I asked my younger brother, eyes wide as saucers. He shrugged, just as confused as I was. We soon discovered that they were spaceships that had landed on our planet.

The mist began to behave abnormally. It twisted and formed spirals that looked like portals to other worlds. The children were the first to experience the changes. "Mom, I've seen amazing places in my dreams!" my brother exclaimed, excited. Other children began to speak in unknown languages, while some remained silent, their eyes lost in the mist.

Finally, we decided to venture into the heart of the mist, where the ships had landed. "We have to find out the truth," I said, determined. My mother looked at us with concern, but she knew we could not stand idly by.

The fog was so thick we could barely see our feet. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" my brother asked, fear in his voice. "Trust me," I replied, squeezing his hand.

When we reached the clearing, we found the ships. "They are not of extraterrestrial origin," said a voice that seemed to come from the mist itself. We turned and saw an ethereal figure, who presented himself as an intelligence from another universe, trapped in ours. "I need your help to return to my dimension," he explained.

I remember the sense of disbelief I felt upon hearing the truth. "You mean the mist is a gateway to other worlds?", I asked, in disbelief. The intelligence nodded, and at that moment I knew nothing would ever be the same again.

Now, sitting in my room, surrounded by books and documents, I can see the world differently. The haze is no longer a mystery, but an opportunity to explore and discover the secrets of the universe.

And although the truth was hard to accept, I know it was necessary for us to move forward and find our place in the cosmos.

Source of the images.
Image created with Starryai.

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2 months ago
