Short story: A romance in the eternal city

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1 month ago

Rome, August 15, 1920. It has been 10 days since Gabriel arrived in this wonderful city, sharing his time with his aunt, whom he had not seen for several years. His aunt and her husband have taken him into their home, allowing him to save money while he searches for a job. During this search, Gabriel has had the opportunity to explore and appreciate the charms of Rome, touring the city in different directions.

"Rome is an amazing city!" exclaimed Gabriel to his aunt. "The architecture is breathtaking and the atmosphere so full of life. I feel lucky to be able to be here."

His aunt smiled and replied, "I'm glad you're enjoying your visit. I know you miss Sophia, but this experience will do you good. Maybe you'll even find a good job and you can come live together."

Gabriel nodded, thoughtfully. "I hope so. I miss Sophia a lot, but I know this time in Rome will help me grow and find new opportunities."

The imposing architecture, bustling commerce and rich culture have impressed him, contrasting markedly with the tranquility of his hometown of Florence.

Evenings in Rome have been especially memorable for Gabriel. There is a wide variety of establishments open, where one can enjoy exquisite gastronomy or witness first-rate shows, such as at the famous Teatro Costanzi.

"You must come with me to the Costanzi Theater!" said Gabriel to his aunt. "They say the shows there are truly impressive."

"I'd love to," she replied. "It will be a wonderful opportunity to enjoy Roman culture together."

In addition, the International Exposition of Rome, which showcases the most recent technological and scientific advances of the time, is going on right now. One of the ones that has most captivated Gabriel are the new wireless communication systems, developed by the ingenious Guglielmo Marconi.

"Have you seen the new wireless communication systems?" asked Gabriel excitedly. "They are really fascinating! Marconi is a genius."

His aunt nodded, impressed. "Yes, I've heard about those advances. It's amazing how technology is changing the world. I'm sure we'll soon be able to communicate at a distance without the need for wires."

Despite all these wonders, Gabriel can't stop thinking about Sophia, his beloved. He misses her radiant smile, her wavy brown hair, and her green eyes. He fondly remembers the way Sophia would address him, with curious questions and words full of affection. Gabriel longs to hold her and taste her luscious lips.

"Sophia misses me so much," Gabriel sighed. "I hope I can bring her to Rome soon so we can be together."

His aunt looked at him sympathetically and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's hard, but be patient. When you find a good job, you can be reunited with her. Love is worth everything."

Gabriel nodded, determined. "You're right. I'm going to try my best so that Sophia and I can have our own home here in Rome."

Days later, Gabriel received a letter from Sophia. His heart filled with joy as he read the words of his beloved:

"Dear Gabriel,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying your time in Rome. I miss your presence by my side, but I am glad you had the opportunity to visit that wonderful city.

You have told me so much about the charms of Rome that I feel as if I already know it. I imagine the imposing architecture, the bustle of the streets and the cultural richness that have captivated you. I would love to be able to accompany you on your tours and discover all these treasures together.

Of course, what I long for most is to be with you, to hug you and feel your kisses. Your letters have kept me close to you, but nothing compares to your presence. I hope that soon you will be able to find a good job so that you can come to live in Rome. I will be waiting for you here with open arms.

I love you with all my heart, Gabriel. I know that our time will come and we will be able to build a future together in this wonderful city.

With all my love,


Gabriel read the letter over and over again, feeling his heart fill with hope and determination. Now more than ever, he was determined to find a job that would allow him to bring Sophia to Rome and start a life together.

Source of the images.
Image created with Starryai.

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