Noise.Cash has come to an end

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Avatar for mc5punk
1 year ago

Yes friends, it's official, has come to an end, as the page itself says when you enter its general wall, there you will see the following message: "Important! becomes, please migrate your content". When you click on it, you will be asked to fill out a form where you will be asked if you don't have an account yet or if you have one (like me), you just have to fill in the corresponding data from your existing account to start the data migration. And once finished they explain that all your content will appear shortly, and those users with whom you interacted will appear as long as they also make the migration to the new platform and / or keep their corresponding usernames.

Sample of the general wall in Noise.Cash.

Close-up of the warning message.

Additional information displayed at the end of the migration process request.

It should also be noted that, when you return to the general wall in Noise.Cash you will not be able to post again after having started the transfer of data to

Warning given to the user upon successful request of the migration process in which new publications within Noise.Cash are definitely suspended.

No doubt that with this we have Noise for a while, but with its new features in the new platform as it is

I can only say that we are there.

And you already have an account, what are you waiting for? In case you don't have any way to enter let me know in the comments box to pass you an invitation link.

A fraternal embrace to all.

Source of the images

Screenshots from my Toshiba laptop.

$ 0.37
$ 0.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @foryoubtc09
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Avatar for mc5punk
1 year ago


I read that about become yesterday that's why I'm going to check my my friend.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Great, I hope to get you soon on, my dear friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have an account in my friend. Thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago