New drawing: Spike Siegel

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1 month ago

We return with more drawings and this time with the protagonist of the anime series Cowboy Bebop, who is none other than Spike Siegel.

Now, for this drawing that is made only with a mechanical pencil with HB lead 0.7 mm thick. And for the shading techniques we applied only scratches from one line to four, and for the highlights we simply applied blanks.

And as usual we started with the tracing of the axes that divide the page into four parts that allows us to locate the center and better position the sketch.

So without further ado I leave you with the images of the process.

And that's it! We are done with our work 😃 What do you think?

I hope this will motivate you to do it. And remember you can comment at the end of this post, I'll be reading and giving you feedback. I also appreciate all the support received from all of you.

Without more to say I'll see you in a next installment.

Until then 😎👍.

Materials used

- Recycled sheet;

- Mechanical pencil;

- Eraser;

- Ruler.

Source of the images

Images captured with my Amazon Fire 8 tablet.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from Anonymous user(s)
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1 month ago
