Drawings of famous characters from the world of cartoons

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1 year ago

In this occasion I come to show you several drawings based on famous characters of the cartoon world, among them are: Batman, Spongebob Squarepants, and Popeye; and as an extra, one that in reality is not but we are going to make an exception to take advantage of this publication and thus to make it known.

The first one we are going to show is:

Batman (logo)

It is not the character itself but it is something that is very emblematic for all those who know him or that in the same way can remain in the mind of all those who see it, it is nothing more and nothing less than the logo of this superhero of the Gotham city, and is that, Batman has been one of my favorite characters of all time, that's why I decided to draw this image.

For the elaboration of this drawing I only used recycled paper, eraser, Prismacolor colored pencils, 2H pencil.

It is also worth mentioning that I had previously made this drawing with other brands of colors but the results were unsatisfactory, so I recommend that when coloring your drawings use Prismacolor or similar quality.

Sponge Bob

I never got to see the series but I recognize the attractiveness of the character's design and more for the colors he has, because of that I was encouraged to draw him too and here are the results.

For this drawing I used the following: recycled paper, eraser, 2H pencil, Crayola colors, black ink pen.

As for the Crayola colors, I had the 12-color version, so I had to combine colors to get the ones I needed to apply in the drawing; for example, in the eyes I used blue gray, which is a mix between light blue with a little black and white; and gray, in the metals that join the skateboard wheels, which I got with black and white.


Famous character born in the first decades of the XX century in the Paramount Picture studios.

When I saw this image of him when I was checking Facebook I wanted to make this image immediately.

The materials I got to use are: 2H pencil, eraser, Prismacolor and Crayola colors.


Crazy rabbit

This rabbit is part of a range of characters that I have been presenting previously from a collection that was born from a mural that I got to see in a city while I was visiting. And I think it is my favorite among all of them, both for its aesthetics and the colors it contains.

For its elaboration I used: eraser, recycled paper, Cayola colors. And since I didn't have certain colors I had to proceed in the same way as in the works mentioned above: gray (black plus white), mustard (white, green, yellow, brown), pink (red plus white).

These have been for now all the characters that I have made, soon I will bring you many more so you should be attentive. And among all that you got to see, which one did you like the most? You can leave your answer in the comments box, I'll be reading them and giving you an answer.

With nothing more to say I say goodbye until the next installment and thank you for your support for this publication.

I send you a big hug. Peace and blessings.

Source of the images:

Images obtained with my Amazon Fire 7 tablet.

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1 year ago


I like sponge Bob!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Glad you liked it 😃👍

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wiehhh spongebob my fav! Plus the green pants (^∇^)ノ♪

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm glad you liked it, my friend. Thanks for your comment.

$ 0.00
1 year ago