We all know that pets are definitely champions in a super-difficult discipline, not present at the last Olympic games: pretending.
Having three cats I can tell you my experience with them but I am sure that other pets such as dogs have similar behavior!
Pretending to be hungry
What they can do better is pretending to be hungry all the time. When I come home from work I'll give them immediately food/water, and all the time when my mum comes home after me (maybe even 10 mins later) they go after her and pretend to be hungry since the plate is empty. And you why is it empy? Easy, because they have already eaten everything.
All the time I feel guilty, because it seems to me that I didn't give them enough to eat but in reality they are looking for attention.
Pretending to be sleepy
One other thing is about sleep, they pretend all the time to be sleepy... They pretend that for cuddles, but if you make some little noise they quickly get up and they come to see what you are doing. Here a photo of Teo this morning, pretending to sleep on my legs only to receive more cuddles from me.
Pretending to be innocent
They pretend that all the time to be angels and not to do any kind of messes. If something happens in the house and you are looking for them, the are 2 main options: 1. they hide if they feel really guilty; 2. they look at you with big innocent eyes as to say "What? Me? Why? I am an angel!".
Here an example of this morning for you: I have a lot of cactus and in this period plants are doing little "plant-son", Teo manages to remove this little part from the mother-plant and start playing with it... He managed to put one piece inside my shoe! In this way while I was putting on the shoes this morning I felt a little hurt... it was a piece of cactus! D: But Teo was looking at me with innocent eyes, not his fault for sure he would say.
Pretending not to receive cuddles
This happens to us really often with my ginger cat: Achille. He loves meowing with people and when some relatives/friends or even neighbors come to us for a quick visit, he starts meowing so loudly... And after he starts rolling on the floor looking for cuddles as what we do for him is not enough! Obviously, he is the winner and all the time he receives a lot of cuddles from everyone :D
And your cats? Or pets in general? How do they behave? Tell me and let's find some similarities :)
Insomma, i gatti sono esseri unici! C'รจ poco da starne a discutere ๐