Today, someone glared at me as if it was a game to them and I really felt uncomfortable after that vicious-like glare. I was on my way home, and I found a bridge. Three feet apart from me and that's really weird cause I haven't seen that bridge around.. Maybe, I'm day dreaming? The glare made me feel stages of emotions and I haven't felt that before, those feeling were wrap up in one emotion and I felt amazed, horror, and uneasy after seeing an image-like bridge on my way home. I know everyone would say that it is a fictional creative writing, but the truth is, it is not. It was like I'm in a table with lots of food offered and I can't decide what to pick so I can eat it. Too funny, my life today became a roller coaster just because a bridge that was never here before. But the moral of the story is really just I imagine things a lot and it was just a weasel lool. :)

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@mawiiiewiii posted 3 years ago
