"The Importance of Money"

You can't buy love with money; But, no one will love you. If you don't have money!

You can't buy a friend with money; But, no one will be your friend. If you don't have money!

You can't buy happiness with money; But you have to live with sadness. If you don't have money!

You can buy food but not hunger, with money; But you will die, by hunger. If you don't have money!

You can't be immortal; Even if you have a lot of money. But you have to die without treatment. If you don't have money!

You can't buy knowledge with money; But you don't have the opportunity to pursue higher education. If you don't have money!

You can't buy esteem with money; But, no one will notice you. If you don't have money!

You can't conquer the world with money; But you can't ever be self-sufficient. If you don't have m

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@marvellousperson posted 2 years ago
