1 Pic, 4 Words (5) Entries

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Avatar for marieofhtemiah
3 years ago

Hello! its yah guurl @marieofhtemiah!!

So here's the entries for our game :) Please check if your entries are here and correct.

Blue - 8 votes

Green - 7 votes

Red - 2 votes

Yellow - 7 votes

Highest vote doesnt mean its the winner. I'm just counting how many people chose that color :)

Any questions, I will clarify it, just leave a comment :) 0.01-0.02 USD can be won, depending on the winners :) You can still join if you want! The link is below :)


I'll close the game at 3:59pm and draw the word and color at 4pm :)

If you have no one to mention, you can mention @annoftheroses @fidelis@ikigai_kai @marieofhtemiah :)

Goodluck to all participants!

Lovelots! <3

$ 0.00
Sponsors of marieofhtemiah
Avatar for marieofhtemiah
3 years ago
