You're like a fairy tale I lived in the past on the streets of the city

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A fairy tale comes to mind. Not so far back.

Then I talk to myself in a whisper.

Like a fairy tale I lived in the past or a journey close to the real one.

I think of the moments when my dreams, whose story is not postponed, turn into reality. I return to my essence, to my will, I see my essence.

I close my eyes. The anxiety of life has not started, their worries are so shallow.

There are many sentences to describe what happened after that day. Friendships growing like an avalanche and leaving the city...

When everyone retreated to their corners, it was as if the magic of the city was gone. The disappointments... The sentences that will reveal the winners and losers of this story have yet to be written. I don't know what happened after all that happened. I fall into a huge void after waves of unnamed sadness.

So many stories have accumulated in me. It's like a dam. I don't know when it will overflow. The place to tell is certain, but I can't predict the time.

Years pass. The color of your hair and beard is slowly changing. After a year and two years, after all this time, huge, huge screams spread wave after wave in my heart.

Who knows, this is a wave of longing, maybe a wave of disappointment.

"Again, again" says the voice of my heart.

To go back to where it all began? Maybe a miraculous touch is needed.

Then...someone says "come" to me. Face, tell, shout!

Suddenly a journey begins on a November day. Sometimes cold, sometimes warm... I am experiencing the harshest form of the journey.

I run to him with such pleasant feelings as if I had never experienced any obstacles...

Reaching her is so unique, so inadequate that I can't describe it.

The magic of the past days immediately comes before my eyes. I immerse myself in its streets and alleys... As if I had never left. I am so sure of myself as if I was walking on the streets I walked yesterday. I whisper softly to him about the things that have left my life. He doesn't object at all, he listens to me wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, I introduce new faces to my favorite city. I tell them what happened in the past, my story of coming out of asceticism.

I take a break, a tea break...

The fire of reunion has risen so high that the firmament seems to have heard me and the winds are blowing warmly in the November cold.

The city I love is such a city that the world appreciates it. The days are beautiful and the nights are beautiful! I didn't know which one to live in. If I were in another city, my answer is obvious! I would say: The days are hypocritical; powerless, slothful, miserable, unhappy, pathetic, weak and helpless... Why should I live in the daytime? I would say: "Oh nights, so realistic and simple, so vigorous and vigorous" and I would dive into the nights.

This city is like two worlds and two planets in one day. Everyone's love, infatuation and fight are on the streets. That's why it is so simple and realistic.

I have lived in this city a lot in the daytime. Its story is very familiar.

I made my decision. I was going to meet the night this time.

There are three of us, close to dawn. We are walking. There is no sound other than the sound of our feet. How fascinating it is to experience another sound of the streets whose every sound I know. New sounds, new colors. The chaos of the day and the silence of the night both in the same day. What a great life experience. My life was like the chaos of the day in the past.

The story of the night continues. The speed of my steps is changing and I don't realize it. "Stop, the people next to me say stop!" Where are you going? Who are you running from? They don't understand me. Or they don't want to understand. The speed of my steps is not because I want to run away but because I want to write a new life story.

After years my blood is boiling. I meet with different textures everywhere. I throw away the pestilent winds that restrain my heart.

This is my new story. And I want to bring that story together with thousands of stories. I don't know if I can tell it.

$ 0.57
$ 0.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Alther
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani


Wow! 'Til this point I still don't understand the meaning of FIRMAMENT... I so love your story.

$ 0.00
1 year ago