Know the art of perfuming your home

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3 years ago

You should never underestimate the power of perfume. A fragrance has made its influence felt in the economy of some countries, has been present in the politics of important companies, has inspired great poets and has made many people who have been remembered for its fragrance unforgettable.

Generally, more emphasis is given to personal perfume, but its power should not be limited to the world of cosmetics, it is necessary to impregnate the entire environment that surrounds us with that special seal, its aroma, it is necessary to carry the power of fragrance to your home, to know how to handle the art of perfume from it. How to achieve it? Here are some "aromatic" ideas:
  1. It can all start at the threshold of the door where an aroma that envelops the environment is perceived and that becomes even stronger when a slight breeze moves the window curtains and shakes them slightly. These of course have been scented with rose or jasmine fragrances, which do not necessarily have to be expensive. You can buy a large bottle of any fragrance that you like (the kind sold in perfume shops and pharmacies and pour half the bottle into a plastic spray container and spray the curtains every fortnight. With this same fragrance, you can perfume the pillows and the sheets so that, after a hard day's work, it becomes enveloped in a soft smell when you lie down. If you don't want to use this method, you will also find perfumes with special sprays with which you can achieve the same effect.
  1. To perfume the closets you can use two or three toilet soaps, of the same fragrance that you used to perfume the bedding and place them in the corners, and in other places, which will make your clothes pick up the smell and everything is impregnated with the same fragrance.

  2. For the floor? There is a wide variety of disinfectants scented with floral, fruit or other fragrances, but if you want the whole environment to be "in play", you can pour a few drops of the same fragrance that you used for the rest in a little water and soak the end of the cleaner in this water and then wipe it on the floor. It will also be clean and deliciously scented.
  1. Don't forget the bathroom, which should always be infused with an exquisite aroma. For this, nothing like the power of a damp cloth with a few drops of aroma, to pass it through the sink, through the tiles ... everywhere, this only takes a couple of minutes every morning, and the results are well worth it. There are also room deodorants in sticks whose perfume lasts for three or four weeks, and scented candles that maintain a soft aroma in the bathroom.

  2. Every time you wash your clothes, do not forget to put a softener to perfume them, as this gives it that unique clean smell and prevents the clothes from being impregnated with any unpleasant odor.
  1. Do you want to perfume the garden? Nothing like the aromatic presence of a jasmine plant, a rose bush or some violets, these do not require as much care as other plants, they grow easily and provide an exquisite perfume, which will be present at all times.

  2. Remember, the art of perfuming our home is essential. It is important that our house is not only clean, but also smells clean. With a little imagination we can fill every corner of the house with a delicious aroma. The bags or sachets in the dresser drawers, in the dresser ... anyway! You choose.

  3. And in the kitchen, a small pot with boiling flowers and aromatic spices, erase any memory of what we have cooked.

The power of the fragrance is unmatched, it can lift your spirits in a second, refresh you on a hot afternoon, gently comfort you in a moment of fatigue but, above all, it can become your best ally: a hallmark that distinguishes your home that makes you feel your home offers a friendly welcome to your family and, to the visitor, a pleasant impression that will last for a long time.

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Written by
3 years ago


Good article. Cheers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting topic I love to try

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You can try these techniques, I am sure that each one will have an exquisite aroma.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Smelling aromatic scents in our surroundings especially our home can help us relax so this is a good idea, thank you for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, I also love cleaning and placing air fresheners so that the house has a delicious aroma. it feels a relaxing environment.πŸ˜€

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow so beautiful πŸ’—

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you.πŸ˜€

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No problem βœ”οΈ

$ 0.00
3 years ago