Dog education

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3 years ago

Dog education is needed to make living with a dog in a family good and enjoyable. Through education, we help the dog feel comfortable and safe in such a community and to take the right place on the hierarchy. It is important to know that dogs do not distinguish by themselves what is right and what is wrong, that is, they do not notice acceptable behavior in the human community and urban environment. Their behavior is related to innate instincts and instincts as well as preserving the personality of the species. Dogs themselves know how to perform some actions on their own initiative, such as sitting, lying down, waiting, they know how to react to the unknown, bark, guard the territory, etc., but they do not know how to apply it at the right time and in the right way. and his needs correct. This means that the task of the owner is to educate the dog to apply these most basic actions of the dog in the correct way and at the time when it is expected from the dog, or when it is ordered to do so by command.

Only with proper education can a dog and its behavior be directed towards an acceptable behavior without compromising its freedom and without the use of moderate force involved in intensive training.

To understand and educate a dog from the first days of life, it is not enough to know the teaching methods that can be learned from various sources including this one through websites and tips. A dog owner must have the ability or endeavor to understand the dog’s actions and thoughts, as well as to identify the reasons for a particular canine behavior. One must learn and understand his way of communication in all its natural simplicity. To understand the dog and conduct education, one must descend to a level that is acceptable and understandable for the dog and in this limited simple circle composed of canine instincts and acquired habits, seek appropriate solutions in conducting education that will lead to positive behavioral results. Thus, by successively repeating the dog's actions based on motivation and praise in a well-performed action, the dog's action is transferred to the area of ​​conditioned reflex.

Training or educating a dog is different from educating. Dog training is done to learn the actions needed by man and these actions usually have no needs and meaning from the dog's point of view and his needs. The training is conducted according to certain programs that differ in purpose and complexity. Conducting training is also based on the innate instincts and instincts of dogs.

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3 years ago


I think that for every dog is important onlyu some basic education. Our pets need to learn rules in home where they are living.

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3 years ago

tako je, trening je ono kada ga ucis da mu je uslovni refleks da poslusa komandu a edukacije ja kada ga ucis da intelektom resava zadatke koje postavis pred njega

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3 years ago