(DIGITAL DRAWING) Inspiration from drawing a cat

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Hi everybody how are you? On this occasion I present the drawing of a cat, I have inspired me in the feline species to do it. I want to show them the process Since performing the first strokes until the final art, the MICHIS for me are very special beings because even though they express in most cases a lot of indifference, if they are tender and affective, they are fun and mystical. I have had this inspiration because my cat has been asking me affection in these days and it causes me to draw the species of it to practice the drawing technique and to see it has left it like that. Hope you like!


I started this drawing with a sketch where I drew all the structure of the cat then perform the silhouette with gray base.

The next step was to add color to the bottom and to the figure of the cat defining and the palette of colors that would use in the composition.The next step was to add color to the bottom and to the figure of the cat defining and the palette of colors that would use in the composition.

Then I started working on the volume of the cat's figure to stop being a flat figure.

Then he played working on the texture of the fur so that the cat felt a little spongy


Finally I played working on the details of the whiskers and the effects of lighting so that our image is harmonic. And this is the result. What do you think?

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