What's a good way to gain weight if you're underweight?

Although being thin might be beneficial, being underweight can be dangerous if it is caused by poor nutrition, or if you are pregnant or have other health difficulties. So, if you're underweight, make an appointment with your doctor or a dietitian. You can work out a strategy to reach your weight-loss goal together.

When you're underweight, here are some healthy strategies to gain weight: Increase the frequency of your meals. You may feel fuller sooner if you're underweight. Instead of two or three substantial meals throughout the day, eat five to six smaller meals. Choose foods that are high in nutrients. Choose whole-grain breads, pastas, and cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts and seeds as part of a balanced diet. Smoothies and shakes are great options. Don't overindulge in diet Coke, coffee, or other low-calorie, low-nutrient beverages. Instead, make smoothies or nutritious shakes with milk and fresh or frozen fruit, and add ground flaxseed to the mix. A liquid meal replacement may be indicated in rare instances. When you drink, be cautious. Some people find that drinking fluids before meals makes them feel less hungry. In that situation, drinking higher-calorie beverages with a meal or snack may be preferable. Others may benefit from drinking 30 minutes after a meal rather than during it. Make the most of every bite. Nuts, peanut butter, cheese, dried fruits, and avocados are good snacks. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a wrap sandwich with avocado, chopped vegetables, and lean meat or cheese for a bedtime snack. Finish it off. Add more calories to your dishes by adding cheese to casseroles and scrambled eggs, as well as fat-free dried milk to soups and stews. Allow yourself a treat now and then. Even if you're underweight, extra sugar and fat should be avoided. It's fine to have a slice of pie with ice cream every now and again. However, the majority of treats should be nutritious as well as calorie-dense. Muffins made with bran, yogurt, and granola bars are all terrific options. Exercise. Strength exercise, in particular, can help you acquire weight by strengthening your muscles. Exercising can also help you eat more.

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@luxury22 posted 2 years ago
