Mobbing Case

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Mobbing is a kind of psychological terror practiced in the workplace in the form of repeated attacks by other employees or employers. The person who is mobbed can terminate the employment contract with just cause, and if the conditions are met, he/she can demand material/moral compensation.


The word mobbing comes from the Latin word "mobile vulgus". It is derived from the English word "mob", which means unlawful rudeness associated with extreme violence. Mobbing means psychological violence, harassment, disturbing in English.


Mobbing is a kind of psychological terror practiced in the workplace in the form of repeated attacks by other employees or employers. The concept includes meanings that express all kinds of ill-treatment, threats, violence and humiliation systematically applied to employees by their superiors, subordinates or employees of equal level1. In the “Information Guide on Psychological Harassment at Workplaces” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, it is stated that “… Intimidation, pacification or dismissal from work, which is carried out by one or more persons in the workplace, against another person or persons, that continues systematically for a certain period of time. aiming; harming the personality values, professional status, social relationships or health of the victim or victims; It is the whole of malicious, intentional, negative attitudes and behaviors.” is defined as.


1-) It must take place in the workplace.

2-) It can be applied by superiors, it can be applied by subordinates to their superiors or it can take place between equals.

3-) It should occur in a systematic way. It should be repeated frequently.

4-) It must be done deliberately.

5-) It should be shaped for the purpose of intimidation, pacification and dismissal.

6-) Damage must occur to the victim's personality, professional status or health. Negative attitudes and behaviors towards the person can be hidden or overt.


The person who practices mobbing is called “harasser” and the person who is exposed to mobbing is called “victim”. Studies show that these behaviors of mobbing users are caused by features such as communication disorder, not acting honestly, and the need to raise their reputation to the highest level. Victims, on the other hand, are people who are very successful in their work, are valued by their environment, have a high work discipline, are reliable, and have characteristics superior to the abilities of the harasser.


I must emphasize that, contrary to popular belief, mobbing is not just an action of superiors against their subordinates.

1.Vertical Psychological Harassment:

It is the cases of psychological harassment perpetrated by the superiors against their subordinates. It is the superiors' use of their institutional power by oppressing their subordinates and pushing them out of the institution.

2. Horizontal Psychological Harassment:

The perpetrator or perpetrators of psychological harassment in the workplace are co-workers in the same position with the same duties and opportunities as the victim. E.g; such as the envy of employees in equal conditions, competition, conflict of interest, personal discontent.

3.Vertical Psychological Harassment:

It is the application of psychological violence by the employee to the manager. It is a rare condition. For example, employees' inability to accept the manager, loyalty to the old manager and not recognizing the decisions of the new one, such as jealousy.

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