Information About the Canary

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Canary is a general term for different genera of Serinus Canaria. Since canaries mostly feed on grains, canary food also contains plenty of grains.

Appearances of Canaries

Canaries are small, long-bodied; They have bright and colorful feathers. Their eyes are small and round. Canaries have a small cone-shaped beak.

Canary breeding is very popular in many parts of the world, including our country. They are easy to care for, and they are among the most commonly grown and fed birds among domestic birds, even when they need less space.

Care and Feeding of the Canary

Despite being a solitary species, canaries like to mate towards the middle of their breeding season. Apart from their breeding time, they do not show any interest in anything else. Still, some birds are very attached to their mates. In the wild, canaries take advantage of daylight when they go to their nests. For this reason, home canaries should not be deprived of sunlight, but should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Canary Voice

Housing is an important factor for birds to stay healthy, but for a bird to sing, it is also necessary to make them happy. Canary birds also sing, The best way to achieve this is related to good sheltering environments. In canary care, each winter should have its own canary cage. Otherwise, the consequences can be fatal. Because canaries divide

How Many Years Do Canaries Live?

Canaries can live for more than 14 years if well cared for. But canaries are not that easy to care for. Besides the canary food, it is necessary to offer other nutritious menus.

Other Information About the Canary

Canaries are one of the most curious species of birds, and creating a special cage environment for each canary, having hundreds of canaries, is not an easy task. For this reason, canaries have a purpose of breeding. These; for the sound of the canary, for its colors, and for the appearance of the canaries. Canaries bred for their voices are usually male because only the male bird can sing. This is rarely seen in female canaries.

Canary Breeding and Incubation

In order for canaries to mate and hatch, they must first select suitable mates. The breeding cycle of canaries is seasonal. They mate during periods when the sun's rays are high and the days are longer.

In cage-fed canaries, the best time to choose their mates is late winter. You can do this by analyzing the most appropriate time behaviors, weight, age and health during these periods.

Female canaries reach sexual maturity at 6 months of age and male canaries at 9 months of age. Although they are considered sexually fertile by this age, it is usually best to wait until they are 1 year old.

In order for canaries to reproduce in a healthy way, they need to be both healthy and well fed. They should be in good spirits, especially when spring, the breeding month, comes. Remember that canaries shed their feathers 3 months before their breeding season. So don't worry.

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @PWWrite
$ 0.01 from @Jelena


Canaries are singers with beautiful sounds. I had canaries before but I currently have different kind of birds. The best thing is that canaries can be trained to come to you on command and other things. They are smart birds.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The canary is one of the most beautiful birds with its very beautiful voice. I love it a lot and I hope to have a bird of this type. Does the canary have many types?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting facts about canaries. I had one when I was a child. I still remember that voice... 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago