Evaluation of radiological consultation profile between faculties of medicine and dentistry
Consultation; follow-up of a patient and
a physician's own branch of treatment
or to get the opinion of physicians from different branches
and treatment of the patient in line with these recommendations.
Guiding the planning and monitoring
1 Today, both in the medical field and
knowledge in dental practice
With the accumulation of knowledge and the increase in specialization branches,
physician of any branch
primarily to issues within its own field.
concentration, thus outside the field
are adequately equipped
causes it to fail. This lack of
need medicine and dentists to eliminate
accurately diagnose their patients when they hear
and to make the most appropriate treatment planning
may need consultation for
between dentist and medical practitioner
consultation; medical consultation and
two types of dental consultation
can happen.
3 Dentists
associate with a systemic disease or
present in the anamnesis of patients
in order to remove the uncertainties
diagnosis prior to their treatment.
which includes different examinations (eg:
lab tests, advanced imaging
examinations) various medical consultations
4 Today, worldwide
with an increase in life expectancy
together; acute or
with chronic diseases and regular medication
many individuals from the older age group who use
They treat it.5 In the 1900s,
Average life expectancy of 47 in America
by the 2000s, it was 74.
reach; dentists in the advanced age group
medical services requested by their patients
increases the number of consultations.6
In addition, medical practitioners
the operation they will apply to their patients,
radiotherapy-chemotherapy, bone marrow
after treatments such as transplantation
prevention of possible complications
dental patients before treatment on behalf ofrequest deregistration
can. Again focal infection
odontogenous foci in patients with suspected
dentists for the purpose of determining
dental clinics requested by their dentists.
may need consultation.
Correct diagnosis of a disease
at least as important as the treatment to be performed
is a phase. At this stage, nowadays
with the help of emerging technology
radiological evaluations,
one of the most important steps in the diagnostic phase.
7 Both medicine and dentistry
radiology unit in faculties of medicine
especially those involved in the diagnosis
are sections. In this context, dentistry
intraoral in radiology units of faculties
(periapical radiography, occlusal radiography,
bite-wing radiograph) and
extraoral (panoramic radiographs, hand-wristcephalometric projections,
temporomandibular joint radiographs)
In addition to imaging techniques, dental
volumetric tomography (DVT) and
advanced ultrasound (USG)
using various imaging methods
detailed investigations of pathologies
is done. Restoration of dental and oral health
periodic acquisition and maintenance
dental radiographs for exams
is extremely important. achieve on purpose
X-rays of teeth and environment
to diagnose localized pathologies in tissues
helping; cyst from a simple dental caries,
oral malignancy, metabolic and systemic
changes that occur with disease
at many stages until
guide physicians.
With the developing technology, the 2000s
At the beginning of the years, especially DVT's dental
with its place in the practice of medicine
Many pathologies in the maxillofacial region
easily diagnosed by dentists.
started to be placed.
8 DVT's medical
Compared to computed tomography
more radiation dose reaching the patient
low, voxel sizes are smaller
spatial resolution and
better image quality
provided. Fast scanning time and cost and
Advantages such as small footprint
This advanced
imaging method; from oral implantology
associated with the temporo-mandibular joint
many aspects of dentistry, from pathologies to
while providing detailed information in different disciplines;
nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, airway,
cervical vertebrae like temporal bone
It also allows the examination of anatomical structures.
8 Despite the many advantages it provides
soft tissue imaging
insufficiency or failure of some DVT devices.
Field of view (FOV)
for visualization of a wide range of pathologies
where insufficient, more detailed
performing radiological examinations
patients, faculty of medicine, radiology
Medicine from dentistry in literature
consultation to the branches of the faculty
reviewing studies examining the distribution of
cases, often cardiology, internal
diseases, oncology, immunology, cardiovascular
surgery, chest diseases-allergy, women
diseases and childbirth, ear-nose-throat
diseases, orthopedics and traumatology,
directed to departments such as dermatology,
Most of these departments
in the department for which consultation is requested.
as a cardiology unit
2,4-6 Medical consultation
One of the branches directed to
Although it is a radiology unit, this unit
radiological by dentists.
cases referred for consultation
A study on the distribution of
not found.
planned retrospectively
our aim in our study; dentist
faculty of medicine faculty of radiology
for radiological consultation
patients referred to the medical faculty
while investigating the reasons for referral; medicine
from faculty of dentistry to faculty of dentistry
keeping a record of the consultations
between faculties of medicine and dentistry
radiological consultation profile
is to determine.