Causes of Crime According to Sociology of Law

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Although crime is included in the field of Criminal Law, it has negative effects on society as a type of behavior, so it is one of the fields in which Sociology does research, and it is one of the subjects that Practical Sociology of Law deals with.

As we know, different negative effects of crime are seen on society. These:

a) Disruption in social order

b) Non-compliance with the legal order

c) Resource shortage

d) Putting the safety of the community at risk

such effects. While the increase in crime rates causes these effects to be experienced more intensely and intensely, it is possible to interpret this as the inadequacy of the penal laws. Sociological factors also play a role in the making of laws. Because crime is a social element and if its causes are determined sociologically, it is possible to make more effective laws. For this reason, the theories of crime put forward in Sociology of Law are important.

They can be listed as follows:

1) Biological Theories

a) Physical Characteristics

b) Biological Characteristics

c) Diabetes

d) Genetic Problem

e) Innate Characteristics

2) Psychological Theories

a) Schizophrenia, Neurosis, Depression

b) Psychopathy

c) Id, Ego, Super Ego

3) Rational Choice Theories

a) Preferred

b) Benefit and Cost Reasoned

c) Perception of Less Penalty as Cost

d) Consideration of Penalties as Insignificant

4) Economic Theories of Crime

a) Risk and Perception of Risk

b) Uncertainty

c) Benefit and Cost

5) Social Structure Theories

a) There are those who think that crime is a normal behavior.

b) Tension Theory: Inequality of Opportunity, Inequality of Income, Tension

c) Subculture: Gangs, Youth

d) Ecology Theories: Environment, Urbanization, Dissolution Areas, Migration, Population Density

6) Social Process Theories

a) Due to Learning: Close Contact with Criminals, Learning and Imitation, Formation of Criminal Individuals in Friends and Family

b) Human Capital Idea

c) Labeling, Characterizing as Deviant

7) Control Theories

a) The Thought that Crime Will Bring Benefit

b) Attachment, Dedication, Inclusion, Belief: Religious Motives, Weak Friendships and Friendships, Broken Families

c) Adolescent Groups Not Observed Enoughly

d) True False Awareness and Distrust of Control Mechanisms

8) Conflict and Power Theories

a) conflict

b) Seeing the Existing Norms as the Rules and Representatives of the Current Power

c) Income Inequality Caused by Capitalism

1) Biological Theories

According to the Italian thinker Lombrosso, people who are born abnormal and damaged, who resemble primitive people in a way, are prone to crime. However, he thinks that some physical characteristics of the person give us clues about being prone to certain crimes. By basing the causes of crime on biological and physical features, crime types were associated with them. For example, he is of the opinion that the wide skull, asymmetry in the body and face, and the large or small size of some organs can inform us that the person may be a congenital criminal. However, in some experimental studies conducted by Charles Gorring, the name of the experiment is British Prisoner, it was used as a sample group of university students and faculty members, but no data could be found about the correctness of Lombrosso's Theories.

One argument of Biological Theory is biochemical properties. Various chemicals in endocrine glands have been suggested for a reason why human behavior can be determined and behavioral disorders can be observed.

The common defense of the Biological and Biochemical Theories is that crime is innate and inevitable. However, it does not seem possible to accept these theories with a humanist approach.

2) Psychological Theories

Another approach to the causes of crime is from a psychological point of view. Mental problems, illness and mental retardation are thought to be related to crime in this context. In terms of heredity, it can be thought that Psychological Theories and Biological Theories are very similar. Because it can be observed that some psychological tendencies can be inherited. However, it should not be ignored that mental retardation is caused by factors such as nutrition, family interest, education, and social environment.

In particular, the connection between crime and the will of the person is important in terms of law. For example, the inability of a person to foresee the consequences of his actions is not within the scope of the Criminal Law. Here, the application of security measures and treatment for the person is in question, not punishment. When evaluated in this context, it is more correct to focus on neurotics. Neurotic disorder is a state of negativity associated with one's personality. Neuroticism, in other words, is the inability to learn the necessary information to become an adult and to have maladaptive attitudes.

According to the Psychoanalytic Theory, which is evaluated in this context, the factor that determines the crime is the conflicts in the thoughts of the person, suppressed desires and other predispositions. It is accepted that there is a direct relationship between the rate of aggression in crime and sexuality. Neurosis, psychosis and psychopathic tendencies were evaluated from a different perspective, and the concept of anti-social personality was emphasized as a top heading.

According to Freud, the connection between crime and psychology should be resolved with the psychoanalytic method. The prominent concepts in this method are conscious, unconscious and subconscious. Consciousness is the psychological stage that creates the ability to understand and comprehend. The unconscious is like a warehouse. It reflects learned knowledge and instincts from the outside world. The subconscious is the center where life energy is collected. These three make a person whole. The balance between the id, which is also called the lower self, and the super ego, is established by the ego. The function of the superego is to store social prohibitions and norms. When the ego is unable to maintain its balance, neuroses and consequent crime can occur.

Although Psychological Theories alone can explain criminal acts based on personal and mental characteristics, they are not sufficient to explain why some people living under the same conditions commit crimes while others do not.

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Whaat ever the cause for crime may be it has a huge negative to the community it's been committed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Poverty is the main reason for committing crimes. When we look at countries with low welfare levels, we can see that the number of crimes committed is higher than in other countries.

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2 years ago

I agree with you.Money means power.Need money to live.

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2 years ago