I dont like touch screen cell phones, prefer to use Nokia, older is better. There is no camera, no Viber, no snap chat, only sms and call. For this phone have a one great stuff this is radio. My secoundary cell phone is alcatel for old people, another great mobile, this cell have a radiom battery lamp, also you can call and send sms to your friends or family. I don't know why people want to buy a cell phone like Iphone with price 500$ or 1000$ for me this is not normal, but my friends have a cell with touch screen and everybody said to me this is a good phones, but for me Nokia is like nice woman... I really like Nokia, and nice womans too....
p.s. Please tell me, why you use a smartphone?
telefon je telefon, dovoljan za halo i kratak razgovor, sve ostalo je manje vise meni nepotrebno ali slagao bih kada bih rekao da nemam moderan uredjaj iako mu ne vidim neku preterano veliku svrhu