Do you belong to the group of people who constantly think about past and future events, analyze their own and other people's actions and reconsider the decisions they have made? Excessive thinking is a very widespread phenomenon in the modern world and a sure path to an unhappy and unfulfilled life. This annoying habit is a waste of time to say the least, and can have many negative consequences for health and is the most common cause of insomnia and anxiety. So why are we doing this then?
Psychologists claim that the causes of excessive thinking can be self-doubt, low self-esteem or traumatic experiences, but also through other similar factors. This pattern of behavior generally implies that a person constantly analyzes the mistakes of the past and worries in advance about future events, which is why he fails to be present in the present moment - the only piece of reality we have. As she ponders, worries, and plans, her life passes with a bitter taste of anxiety, tension, and anticipation, reducing her natural ability to be joyful, cheerful, and fulfilled. If you recognize yourself in this description, you may think that excessive thinking is out of your control, but there are actually a number of techniques to eradicate this harmful habit. So keep scrolling.
Meditation .... As we have already said, people prone to excessive thinking miss the present moment because they are constantly analyzing the past or trying to predict what will happen in the future, and meditation is the most effective way to get rid of this habit. Ten to 15 minutes a day without thoughts, in addition to all the other benefits, will help you focus your attention on the present moment for the rest of the day. If you have no experience with meditation, it is best to enroll in a course and go through training or to try guided meditations that you can find on YouTube to begin with.
Other relaxation technuques .... In addition to meditation, there are other relaxation techniques that you can try, and the most effective among them are yoga, tai-chi and breathing exercises. It has been scientifically proven that practicing yoga reduces the secretion of cortisol (a stress hormone) and balances the production of melatonin - a hormone that regulates sleep. You will achieve similar results if you opt for tai-chi, and it is up to you to choose the technique that suits you best.
When it comes to breathing, we believe that it has happened to everyone many times to take a deep breath and exhale so that you immediately feel better. Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing has a relaxing effect and helps with anxiety, depression and insomnia.
Change focus .... When you find yourself in a state of anxiety, moderate your concentration on other things, more precisely find an activity that will direct your thoughts to other things. It can be reading a book, any hobby, and even doing household chores. Reading a book will most effectively help you to redirect your thoughts, and thus to relax. If you can't sleep at night due to excessive thinking, reading is the best medicine. After just a few pages, you will fall into a deep sleep. A great way to get rid of negative thoughts is to find a hobby to fill your free time or to simply wipe the dust and windows in your home. In addition to diverting your thoughts from bad things, you will certainly feel satisfaction after a job well done.
Schedule time to care.... Yes, you read that right. It may sound strange, but many psychologists advise that instead of worrying throughout the day, set aside 30 minutes a day to analyze the problems that are bothering you, and then stop thinking about it.
Clinical psychologists Sarah Kate McGowan and Evelyn Behar conducted a study on 53 patients diagnosed with anxiety, and the results showed that their condition was significantly better after practicing this method for two weeks. They claim that it takes about that long to eradicate the habit of thinking about negative things all day long.
Written down your thoughts .... Writing down your own worries can have a therapeutic effect. Put all the fears and negative emotions on paper, and then close the notebook and continue with your day. You will see that you will immediately feel better.
You will feel even more benefits if you start keeping a Thanksgiving diary. Writing down the things you are grateful for changes your focus, and many scientific studies have found that this method helps with conditions such as anxiety or depression.
Self-reflection involves rethinking your own beliefs and behaviors, with the goal of making you aware of the reason you are thinking too much. Is your belief that every situation in life requires in-depth analysis the result of a traumatic experience, a toxic work environment, or do you have a partner who has shaken your self-confidence?
No one is born with this trait, and when you discover the cause of excessive thinking, you will easily get rid of that self-destructive habit.
Aware of the connection between thoughts and fellings .... Many scientific studies have found that people who think too much are generally in a bad mood, and negative emotions arouse in them a desire for even deeper analysis. To get out of the vicious circle, you must first understand that your feelings and thoughts are closely connected and that practicing activities that will relax your thoughts is the only way to feel better.
There are a number of ways to improve your mood, such as any physical activity, hanging out with friends or family members, or playing with a pet. Which of the many options you decide on is up to you. Probably none of the mentioned activities will eradicate your habit of thinking too much during the day, but very soon you will start noticing the first
Ranije su me mnogo vise mucile razne misli koje su mi prolazile kroz glavu. Onda sam naucila kako da sebi ne nanosim stetu time. Ne kazem da je lako,pojave se i sada ali se mnogo lakse izborim sa njima. Zato i znam da je moguce nauciti kako da se to uradi.