About the Mistakes in Life

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3 years ago
Tara Minshull

Are there mistakes in life? We often think that we have chosen the wrong. We don't consider all the elements in our decisions. When we feel lost, then we regret it.

Regret is one of the main sources of suffering. Many people are mentally tormented because remorse eats away at his mind. He searched for a million fugitives, ranging from drugs to suicide. How do we understand the mistakes in life?

About Morality

In general, mistakes are all actions that are against morality. Because morality is the basis of law, mistakes also mean all actions that are against the law. This view is simple and is taken for granted by many. However, there is a problem here.

Morality, as well as law, is constantly changing. What could be done in the past, can no longer be done. The opposite is also true. What was not allowed to be done before, has now become commonplace. Morality is relative.

A society forbids one act. Other societies allow it. There are so many examples that can be drawn. If people make this kind of morality their footing, their lives will be filled with confusion and even hypocrisy.

There is another type of morality that does not stand on what society says. This morality emerges from our humanity as universal beings. It rests on the laws that drive the universe. He did not forbid and colonize, but rather nurtured and cultivated.

This kind of morality contains only one thing, namely "life." When a person touches the life within him, he will naturally live this morality. A lasting feeling of peace, coupled with compassion for all life, will immediately flow in him. If on a closer look, it is this living in line with natural morality that is the highest goal of human life.

About Mistakes

In the face of the morality created by society, there is no absolute mistake. What exists is a continuous learning process. People try to improve themselves, without ever touching perfection. However, to some extent, social morality must be transcended.

In the face of natural morality, there is an absolute mistake. When a person is immersed in a shallow life and does not touch the life in him, he has made a mistake. He has wasted his life. He drowns in the superficiality and illusory pleasures of life which always lead to dissatisfaction.

The deepest regret is not to violate the morality created by society. They are all relative and keep changing. The deepest regret is when people do not use their lives to touch a deeper life than ambition and illusory pleasures.

Touching Natural Morality

How to touch natural morality, which is "life" which does not only exist in humans but all creatures? All Asian spirituality wants to answer this question. The goal of Asian philosophy and spirituality is not to seduce God to enter man into heaven but to liberate man from all the bonds that imprison him, including the shackles of morality, hypocrisy, and suffering.

There are two important points here. First, natural morality demands a fundamental inner revolution. People break their egos and touch their true selves. When the personal ego disappears or is delayed, one will realize that it is the universe itself.

At this point, natural morality emerges. It rests not on unreasonable prohibitions and rules, but on "life" and compassion for all beings. This kind of reversal of the ego is also called mental enlightenment. This is the highest goal of all Asian philosophical and spiritual traditions.

Second, natural morality demands that people turn around. The search is not directed outside, for example in the form of power, wealth, or momentary enjoyment. The search is directed inward, that is, into the process of consciousness which is the essence of life itself. People then live from this point, even though the changes and ups and downs of life get in the way.

At this point, there is no longer any intention to control life. All come and go. People watch with full awareness. There are peace and clarity naturally occurring within.

When the morality of the creation of society is surpassed, people come to one simple truth. The only mistake in life is not digging deeper into the spiritual element that resides in humans. The only mistake in life is living superficially in a life-destroying puddle of ambition and greed. Beyond that, everything is relative.

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3 years ago


So good and nice. Well written. Respect

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well every human being is error. They made mistakes whatever they are. But sad thing is they never learned about what they did, what they mistaken. We should accept our mistakes. Thanks to you for giving us a aesthetic article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you for reading

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks to you for giving such a great like

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank u

$ 0.00
3 years ago

the explanation above is easy to understand. I agree. while reading recall, how my self experience / deal with regret? In my opinion, regret is nothing but the grip of the past, we are so attached to primordialism (maybe it can be misunderstood, because what I want to explain is difficult to explain in words). with moment-to-moment living awareness, regret is gone. we always start all over again.

Kind regards !!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank u for reading

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3 years ago