Kimchi Grill Cheese Sandwich - A Yummy Filled Treat

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2 years ago

Previously I did a Kimchi Grilled Cheese sandwich using the sandwich maker with just the cheese and kimchi, it was nice but I supposed it was a little too much on the sour side that made the sandwich tasted a little overpowering.

This round I have decided to use some of my freshly picked salad stir fry with a bit of kimchi first as many people had better reviews of lightly stir fried kimchi over taking it straight from the chilled bottle / can.

Right after that, I toasted the butter side of the bread on the pan while putting the lightly stir fried kimchi salad on top of the bread.

While waiting for the toast to brown a little, I quickly took out the buy 1 free 1 promotion of grilled cheese out. Which was a treat for me because this brand hardly have any near (2 months left) expiring products since it is very popular.

While I placed the cheese on top and cover it with another buttered bread, then flip it over to toast the other side of the bread surface.

This time I actually added another extra slice of cheese in it to give that extra cheesy melty feel.

How is it this time round?

That extra oozing cheese melt does go very well with the sour-ish kimchi; but lack the strong cheese that I had earlier. I guess adding both of them together would created a better feel and experience.

What is more delightful is that that one sandwich I took at 11am could last me 5 hours without thinking of food. I guess my brain was happily satisfied with enough flavour and carbs that gave me enough energy to do all the necessary chores for whole 5 hours!

Personally, that is definitely already a win for myself.

How about you?

Have you tried such a grilled cheese sandwich before?

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$ 2.87 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


Wow this is a good idea of a sandwich. I know the cheese will compliment the sour taste of Kimchi.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah. It does compliment a lot. Quite tasty!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really impressive and I want to join you because I'm feeling too much hungry this time , enjoy the day with a beautiful view of flowers and different food

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hope you can give a chance to try it!

$ 0.00
2 years ago